Add Prosecco To Sorbet For A Sophisticated Yet Simple Float

Sorbet is a culinary chameleon. This frozen treat is a classic between-course palate cleanser, a simple, refreshing dessert, and the base for slushlike cocktails and coolers, deserving of a spot at any point on our dinner timeline. Thanks to its simplicity (just fruit juice and ice in its most basic form), with a little imagination, sorbet can be incorporated into just about any dish or drink. For a sorbet and prosecco float, you don't even have to try that hard — which makes it even better.


By pouring a little (or a lot) of prosecco over the top of a couple of scoops of your favorite flavor, you can add a bit of extra glamour to your sorbet. Whether you use a little prosecco and attack your float with a spoon or fill a glass and sip it, you're in for a treat. The fizz of the prosecco gives the sorbet a pleasant sharpness, and as the sorbet melts, it creates a delightful fruity slush. Give the dregs a good stir and knock them back; no one will judge you.

Prosecco and sorbet floats add glamour to any course

This isn't an unusual combination by any means. Technically, it's just a play on the classic Italian sgroppino, which mixes sparkling wine, vodka, and lemon sorbet for a boozy lemon slushie. As far as palate cleansers go, you can't get much better than a lemon sorbet and prosecco float. The sharpness of the citrusy sorbet, noted for its effectiveness in eliminating strong flavors, is amplified by the acidity of a prosecco that leans more on the dry side.


For a cocktail that could easily masquerade as a dessert, turn to sorbets that are sweet rather than sour and pour over a generous amount of sweet prosecco. If you want to live out your pink fantasy, try a rosé prosecco. There's no reason you should stick to one flavor, either. Sorbets are easily mixed and matched. Using one scoop of raspberry sorbet and one scoop of lemon, for example, combines for a boozy raspberry lemonade float.

When considering which flavor to use, just think about your favorite Bellini flavor. If it works in puree form, it will work in sorbet form. 

