Reddit Is Getting Grumpy Over A New Costco Food Court Sandwich

Costco isn't just people's favorite place to bulk-buy maple syrup, toothpaste, meat, and other staples. Its food court has also long been people's go-to for a snack or quick meal before or after shopping. Whether you're buying its ridiculously cheap hot dog meal or its loaded, ultra-cheesy pizza, Costco's food court prices are so low that you can usually justify the expenditure. But its newest addition, a turkey and Swiss sandwich, has customers questioning the warehouse company's recent food court decisions.


"Why is it so hard to make a sandwich $4.99?" wrote one irked commenter on a Reddit post about the new item. "Is it $6.99 to compensate for some of the lost revenue from the hot dog? Just a sandwich by itself at Costco should be $4.99." Another commenter was reminded of other recent Costco food court items that customers considered misses. "I'm beginning to think Costco doesn't actually want anyone to buy the last few things they've unleashed on us."

While Costco's photo of the sandwich displays sauces in the background, the sandwich itself looks rather dry and boring. "It's like they intentionally took the most bland, unreal photo possible," surmised another Redditor. The item consists of brown turkey, Swiss cheese, lettuce, Dijon mustard, and sun-dried tomatoes on a ciabatta roll.


Fans just want old favorites back

While Costco's new Turkey & Swiss Sandwich has yet to be released, Instagram user @costcoinsider claims customers should see it by the end of February. If early grumblings are any indication, however, food court loyalists will feel the same about the item as they did about Costco's Roast Beef Sandwich, or the company's decision to swap out its much-loved churros for more expensive chocolate chip cookies. Of the 170-plus Reddit comments about the sandwich, the majority were less than thrilled. The response to @costcoinsider's Instagram post wasn't much better.


"Get that crap outta here and bring back the supreme pizza," one commenter wrote, with others sharing similar sentiments about the Polish Dog and Combo Pizza. Some just want to see the popular Turkey Provolone Sandwich again, which even sparked a petition. "Just bring back the original sandwich," another commenter wrote on Instagram.

Everyone is judging the sandwich before they've tasted it, but these initial reactions may be wrong. Maybe this sandwich will be a worthy replacement for the Turkey Provolone, or maybe Costco will realize how bland its photo looks and share another. Hopefully, the chain will realize that although higher-priced items help its bottom line, customers want a deal at the food court. A $7 sandwich that folks could make at home for less money probably won't be very popular.


