Miller Lite Is Running 1,000s Of Ads During Super Bowl 2024 — Literally

The Super Bowl provides some of the best and worst beer commercials every year. Now, after Coors Light's cryptic pre-Super Bowl ad gave fans a way to get into the game-day commercial themselves, Miller Lite is introducing its own version of interactive advertising. For the folks who prefer Miller Lite as their Super Bowl beer, the brand is offering a way for them to become its game-day ads.


If becoming a walking billboard sounds like something you're interested in, then starting on February 1, you can head to Miller Lite's website to sign up. The first 1,000 eligible folks who do so will receive everything they need to become a walking ad spot: $100, a Big Game Ad kit, and a Miller Game Time Jersey that features a special Q.R. code. While they wear their jerseys, they can encourage those around them to scan their Q.R. code, which could win them some beer money.

Folks recruited by Miller Lite will advertise on game day

While folks who land the Miller Lite Big Game Ad gig will definitely be doing some game-day advertising, they won't be appearing on T.V. That job goes to actor and Miller Lite fan Rob Riggle, who will be the face of the brand's actual Super Bowl commercial and who will act as lead beer runner.


While they won't actually be featured in the official ad spot, folks who get a Miller Light Q.R.-coded jersey will still have plenty to do on Super Bowl Sunday. During the game's iconic commercial breaks, the Miller Lite Big Game Ads will head out on "beer runs," giving them a chance to show off their Miller Lite Game Time Jerseys and get their Q.R. codes scanned. As the advertisement that's hoping to recruit folks as walking advertisements puts it, "Why watch a Big Game ad when you can be one?" If you're a Miller Lite fan, then this is certainly one way to rep your favorite beer and get a free jersey out of it.

