The Surefire Way To Give Your Brussels Sprouts The Sear They Need - Exclusive

When you're an adult, you may start actually liking Brussels sprouts (and if you don't, that's okay, too). The vegetable has a distinct flavor that comes out delicious with extra seasoning, butter, or whatever your go-to add-ons are. So if you aren't a fan of Brussels sprouts but think you could become one, where might you be going wrong? Omaha Steaks executive chef David Rose has an answer for you.


It all comes down to the cooking method — like blanching if you prefer not to have crunchy Brussels sprouts. Blanching refers to pouring the vegetables into boiling water for a short period of time and then quickly throwing them in ice. David Rose told Mashed in an exclusive interview, "I blanch them for about two minutes to get a kickstart on the cooking process. I slice them in half." That's when the seasoning comes in, as well as an additional cooking method that really enhances the flavor.

Searing will upgrade your Brussels sprouts

David Rose opts for garlic, bacon, olive oil, salt, and ground pepper and throws that into the oven (before the Brussels sprouts go into the seasoned mixture). "A good cheat is getting that cast iron pan or that sheet pan hot already," he told Mashed. Once that's all heated, you can toss in the blanched Brussels sprouts for the perfect sear. The television personality explained, "That way, when it hits the pan, it's getting a nice sear and brown caramelized base on there."


It's a simple and surefire way to get the perfect Brussels sprouts every time — you don't have to pretend to like them if you actually do! If you don't enjoy Rose's recommended seasonings, there are 14 other ways to give Brussels sprouts a serious flavor boost and Mashed's roasted Brussels sprouts recipe. Sea salt, red pepper flakes, cilantro, basil, and forms of citrus (like lemon) are also great flavoring options.

