Why David Rose Wants You To Make A Deconstructed Beef Wellington Instead Of The Real Thing - Exclusive

No, you don't have to make a beef Wellington Gordon Ramsay style for it to come out delicious. Beef Wellington has a reputation of being a tough dish to perfect, but according to Omaha Steaks executive chef David Rose, it's the preparation of the dish that's the key to perfection. "It's not a lot of steps, but you've got to make sure that you have the correct steps along the way," he told Mashed in an exclusive interview.


The popular British dish consists of a trimmed beef tenderloin, mushrooms, Dijon mustard, prosciutto, puff pastry, shallot, egg and more. If you aren't able to carve out time to dish out the infamous beef Wellington, then Rose has a tasty solution for you: "If anything, you could have all those flavors of a beef Wellington — the duxelles, which is the minced mushrooms, shallots, garlic, those fresh herbs in there — you could do that." 

Make individual bites

First, you are going to grab a Chateaubriand steak, roast it, sear it, and put the duxelles (mushrooms sautéed with seasonings) on the side. David Rose told Mashed, "If you want to take it a step further, maybe do little circles where you're doing individual circles of puff pastry, then compile and build their own beef Wellington, as opposed to slathering it with the duxelles, wrapping with the puff pastry and say, 'It's deconstructed beef Wellington.'" 


It'll likely cut the time in half and is a wonderful option for a dinner party or elevated appetizer (especially for special occasions). Freshly ground pepper and thyme are two of the seasonings normally used to enhance the flavor. Once you perfect the deconstructed beef Wellington, there's nothing preventing you from trying your hand at an easy individual beef Wellington recipe.

Keep up with Chef David Rose on Instagram. Check out the Omaha Steaks website to learn more about their offerings.

