HelloFresh Decks The Halls With The Return Of Buddy The Elf Spaghetti

If there's one famous food moment from a holiday movie everyone remembers, it's the spaghetti scene from 2003's "Elf." Who could forget watching Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf loading up his spaghetti with maple syrup, M&M's, Pop-Tarts, and more unorthodox pasta-sauce replacements? While this dessert-y twist on pasta might make you feel queasy, HelloFresh knows that there are plenty of folks who would love to give it a try. In December 2022, the meal kit subscription service offered a Buddy the Elf spaghetti meal. Now, in honor of the classic film's 20th anniversary, the limited-edition kits are returning with some new items.


According to a press release, the meal kit includes all of the sweet ingredients and a recipe for making your own Buddy-inspired spaghetti. Last year, the meal kits sold out in just a few minutes, and they'll likely be just as popular this time around — especially with the addition of four collectibles. Each kit includes the necessary ingredients for two servings of the spaghetti meal, as well as two aprons modeled after Buddy the Elf's classic green costume and two melamine plates that reference elves' four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.

Even HelloFresh newcomers can try this syrup-covered spaghetti

If you want to channel Buddy the Elf and dig your hands straight into a bowl of dessert spaghetti, the HelloFresh boxes will be available from December 4 at 12:25 p.m. E.S.T. until December 8 for $29.99 apiece while supplies last. They can be purchased through the box's website, HelloFreshElfSpaghetti.com, even if you aren't already a HelloFresh customer.


From December 2 through December 15, three other "Elf"-inspired recipes, aptly named "Buddy the Elf's Jolly Eats," will also be available. The recipes include Gimbels' Santa Cheeseburgers, which combine beef and cheese in reference to how Buddy claimed Gimbels' Santa Claus smelled; the World's Best Cup of Coffee (Cake) Brunch, which includes muffins, bacon, and fruit to reference Buddy's date with Jovie; and last but not least, Buddy the Elf's Snowball Cake Truffles, a tribute to Buddy's snowball-throwing skills and his love of candy.

