Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles Syrup Flavored Creamer Review: This Sweet Creamer Struggles To Distinguish Itself

Remember when "Stranger Things" first burst onto the scene in 2016, and the Netflix series' lead characters were played by adorable, middle school-aged kids — rather than full-blown adults pretending to be much younger children? We certainly do. Of course, while a tween Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) couldn't stop eating Eggo waffles, the near-20-something actress still playing a telepathic teen might prefer that same flavor in her morning coffee instead. Now, thanks to the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer, she can do just that.


This collaboration between two well-known morning-centric brands isn't entirely unexpected. Many consumers likely enjoy their cup of coffee mixed with one Coffee Mate dairy product or another, after all. Those same folks may sip their morning java alongside a plate of Eggo waffles as well — or be eager to scratch a nostalgic itch for a time when they would've regularly eaten frozen waffles? The Nestlé-owned beverage company decided to release a limited-time combination of the two.

While the Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer isn't scheduled to hit stores across the U.S. until January 2024, we were able to obtain an early sample of this syrupy-tasting liquid to try (thanks to the generosity of Nestlé's Coffee Mate). If you're curious about this decidedly curious coffee creamer, keep reading, as we discuss and review the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer.


What's in Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer?

Given that the Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer won't be on store shelves until some time in January 2024, there's a bit of a dearth when it comes to publicly available information — particularly in regards to the product's overall composition. In fact, while we wish we could say more, there's essentially no information that we could find (or share with you, dear readers) describing this item's ingredient list.


Now, just because we can't give you a wholly specific and detailed description of what's in it doesn't mean we're incapable of intuiting some critical details. After all, one sip of this creamer (by itself) clearly reveals a pureed plate of syrup-soaked Eggo waffles mixed with cream ... or maybe not. In all seriousness, we can likely infer some basic ingredients found in the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer by looking at other Coffee Mate creamer products.

For instance, just as the first two ingredients listed for several standard Coffee Mate creamer products are water and sugar (or corn syrup solids), we'd imagine the Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer follows a similar pattern. Additionally, while we can't say with 100% certainty whether or not it contains any authentic maple syrup, we'd be willing to bet this creamer features only artificial flavors.


How much does Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer cost?

If you're a fan of the many Coffee Mate creamer products on the market in the 21st century, there's a decent chance you've already purchased a few (thousand) various-sized bottles of the brand's items over the years. In that sense, you may be aware of the potential cost of the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer — or, at least, a close approximation.


Consider the fact that, as of November 2023, a 32-ounce bottle of standard, run-of-the-mill Coffee Mate creamers appears to cost between $4 and $5 (or between $4.26 and $4.49, to be more precise). With that in mind, it seems fair to expect the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer will cost roughly the same as those already-available options.

Throw in the additional detail that Nestlé suggests a retail price of $4.69 for a 32-ounce bottle — or $2.59 for the 14-ounce bottle — and suffice it to say you're likely to pay what you'd expect for the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer.

How long is Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer available and where?

As you'd presumably predict for any product released by an exceptionally well-known nationwide brand, the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer is set to be released from coast to coast within the U.S. Of course, while we were lucky enough to get our hands on the Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer early, the rest of the nation will have to wait until an as-yet-unknown date in January 2024 to taste this morning time duo.


Now, we can't say for sure what the exact length of time is that you'll be able to obtain a bottle of Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer. But seeing how the company indicated to Mashed that this new product will be offered at retail stores for only a limited time once it's released, it's clear there will be a finite window of availability.

Since the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer is, indeed, set for a limited-time release — and unlikely to earn a permanent placement on the Coffee Mate roster of flavors at the moment – we'd suggest you make a point to grab a bottle while you can. Or, at least, you should do so beginning at some point in January 2024 (once it's on store shelves).


What is the nutrition information for Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer?

Not unlike the conundrum we ran into with regards to the specific ingredients found in the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer, we can't provide any real insight into the nutritional information for the new limited-time flavored creamer either. Then again, considering the potentially negative health impact of drinking coffee creamer every day, it doesn't take a trained dietitian to conclude the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer won't be a shining beacon of nutritional glory.


For starters, the sheer taste of Coffee Mate's Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer indicates a heavy dose of sugar and artificial flavors is likely present. Without divulging any details of our review (have patience!), the product's overwhelming hit of sludgy, syrupy sweetness tasted like the product of sugar, sugar, and more sugar.

Frankly, like any other creamer on the market, this item's nutritional content isn't likely to impress any health gurus in the crowd. So rather than chugging it straight from the bottle, it seems a little of the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer might be better than a lot (at least in one serving).

How does it compare to other Coffee Mate products?

To be perfectly honest, we've never been the world's biggest fans of flavored creamers in our coffee (or, rather, this writer doesn't much enjoy them). Yet we've encountered (and sampled) enough flavored creamers in our day to provide a fairly accurate point of comparison between the new Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer and other Coffee Mate products.


Just as you'd expect from any other product made by the creamer-centric brand, Coffee Mate's new Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer tastes similarly sweet-and-creamy to its other dairy liquids once it's added to coffee. Quite frankly, the coffee itself barely registers (flavor-wise) once this new, limited-time creamer is added to it.

Now, if we're not mistaken? This seems to indicate the new Coffee Mate creamer accomplishes a similar mission as other products from the Nestlé -owned brand — namely, it makes a cup more palatable to those individuals who essentially prefer their sugar and dairy with coffee (not the other way around).

Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer verdict: This artificial-tasting creamer gets lost in coffee

Whether or not a new food or drink item is successful largely depends on one's expectations. In that sense, if all you're looking for with the new Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer is to offset coffee's generally acidic taste by making it excessively creamy and sweet? Well, we'd have to say this limited-time Coffee Mate creamer does its job. Yet if you're looking to sip a coffee cup filled with genuine Eggo flavors? You may be a bit let down by this product.


Part of our problem with the Coffee Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer was the complete and utter lack of waffle-and-syrup flavor found when mixed with coffee (as it's presumably intended). Now, when sipped alone, this new, viscous creamer revealed undeniable — if somewhat overwhelming — notes of Eggos soaked in syrup. But seeing how no one is apt to drink coffee creamer by itself (at least we hope not), the creamer's inability to transpose its flavor profile when poured into coffee was an immense disappointment.

If your only goal involves drowning a cup of coffee in cloyingly sweet, rich cream, you may enjoy the new Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer. Anyone hoping to taste a plate of Eggos in their coffee, though, may end up wishing they'd left this new Coffee Mate item on the shelf.


