Kids Can Score Free Hot Chocolate At In-N-Out, Weather Providing

It's no secret that In-N-Out has many secret menu items. For instance, its Flying Dutchman features a slice of cheese nestled between two burger patties, and its Neapolitan milkshake combines all three classic ice cream flavors. Real In-N-Out pros also know how to score free stuff. Unlike many restaurants nowadays, In-N-Out doesn't tack on charges for burger add-ons like pickles, chopped chilies, and In-N-Out spread packets, and the fast food chain will also let you customize your burger with extra tomato, lettuce, and onions for free.


Kids can score big with perhaps one of In-N-Out's best free items, and while there is a catch, it's quite a charming one. On any rainy day of the year, kids 12 and under can score free hot chocolate. There's nothing better than a delicious hot cocoa to lighten the dreary skies, so when rain clouds gather, parents have a good excuse to pack their kids in the car for a rainy-day run to the drive-thru.

The reason for this freebie should come as no surprise since In-N-Out is located exclusively on the West Coast, and all the first In-N-Outs were located in Southern California until 1992 when a location popped up in Nevada. Rain on the West Coast, particularly in Southern California, isn't as frequent as in other regions, so free hot chocolate makes the weather feel that much more special.


In-N-Out's hot chocolate is a relatively recent menu addition

In-N-Out, per its slogan, "Quality you can taste," has always been serious about using fresh ingredients and delivering good service, and it has gained quite a cult following. Funnily enough, not much has changed with In-N-Out's business over the decades it's been serving up burgers. From the same logo that's been around since the '50s to the unchanging menu, In-N-Out sticks to what works best. Hot chocolate, in fact, was offered at In-N-Out during the '50s but didn't reappear on the menu until 2018. This was the first menu change that In-N-Out saw in 15 years, with the last one being the addition of lemonade.


In-N-Out's cozy hot chocolate is one of many fast food hot chocolates, each one different from the last. In-N-Out's rendition features a mix of Ghiradelli cocoa and hot water. It's not overly rich or overly sweet and can be served with marshmallows on top. It has the nostalgic taste of instant hot cocoa packets and is sure to put a smile on any kid's face. On a rainy day, the free hot chocolate might just make the parents smile, too. If you're not a kid under 12, an 8-ounce cup of In-N-Out cocoa goes for less than $2.

