Martha Stewart Is All About Setting A Traditional Table For Thanksgiving - Exclusive

Everyone has their favorite things to eat around the holidays, but for Martha Stewart, nothing beats a traditional Thanksgiving table. In an exclusive interview, Stewart told Mashed what we can expect to find on her table come Thanksgiving.


"I like traditional Thanksgiving. like homemade stuffings," she says. She did clarify, however, that her stuffing does exclude one popular ingredient: "I'm not going to have sausage stuffing because I don't like sausage anymore."

As for side dishes, Stewart, of course, brings an elegant and homemade touch to everything on her table. "I make my own cranberry, I make my own pommes de terre puree, carrots. I have pretty much all the traditional things on the table." The spread sounds incredible, and it probably won't surprise many people to learn that Martha Stewart doesn't serve the typical gelatinous, canned cranberry sauce at her Thanksgiving meal. All the dishes on Stewart's table add to its homey feel without sacrificing quality.


What makes a traditional Thanksgiving meal?

Of course, the star of any Thanksgiving table is the turkey. "I love a good roast turkey," says Stewart. Of course, just because it's traditional doesn't mean you can't play around with it. "I've been experimenting with, not a new method because I've done it before, but I've never really promoted it so much, and it's a parchment-wrapped roasted turkey. After you stuff your turkey and slather it with soft butter, you wrap it in an envelope of parchment paper." This method keeps the turkey moist and flavorful during the roasting process.


As for dessert, what could be more traditional than pie? "For Thanksgiving, I really love pumpkin pie, and I really love apple pie or apple tart. I used to love pecan and chocolate pecan, but I don't like it as much as I used to, so it's more pumpkin-y."

At the end of the day, the real meaning of the holidays is who you spend it with. "I love holidays, and it's really nice to celebrate with your family and your friends as often and as nicely as possible." It wouldn't be a Martha Stewart holiday if everything wasn't "homemade, handmade, that kind of stuff."

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