Why You Should Preheat Your Waffle Maker Every Time

Making waffles is easy. Well, it's easy after you make the first one, at least. No matter how long you've had your waffle maker or how much you love it, that first waffle always seems to be worthy of getting thrown out. It's a little too gooey or some parts are burnt while other areas haven't even begun to brown. But then, almost magically, that second waffle turns out much better. Not only is the outside a more uniform color, but the inside is light, fluffy, and evenly cooked. Your waffle maker isn't faulty. Chances are, you're just a little impatient. The key to getting every waffle perfect, even that first one, is to preheat your waffle maker.


Like with an oven, a waffle maker needs to heat up to a specific temperature to cook properly. The key difference is that air cooks the food in an oven while metal plates come into direct contact with the food in a waffle maker. The downside is that it takes a while for the plates to heat to a uniform temperature, which then means some areas of the metal will be hotter than others. This in turn means that some parts of your waffle will burn, while others remain undercooked. Preheating allows all parts of the plate to come up to temperature, which is why you should always allow ample time to preheat your waffle maker.

Tips for preheating your waffle maker

Preheating a waffle maker is fairly easy. Simply turn it on before you cook and let it warm up. However, there are a few things to remember to get the best results. The most important tip: do not trust the preheat light. The temperature sensor connected to the ligh only measures one area of your waffle maker. So, when the light shuts off, all it really means is that one part of your waffle plate is up to temperature. It is best to wait at least 10 minutes and up to 20 to ensure that the whole thing is at the proper temp.


If 10 or 20 minutes seems like a long time to wait, then the first thing you should do when it's time to make waffles is get out your waffle maker and turn it on. While it is preheating, you can gather your ingredients and mix them together. Then, set the table for breakfast. By the time you finish preparing your mix and your place settings, your waffle maker will be ready.

Preheating isn't only needed before the first waffle. Because you lose some heat when removing a waffle, let your waffle maker sit a minute or two between cooking rounds to heat back up. This will help ensure that every waffle you make, from the first to the last, is perfect.

