The Best Way To Store Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is one of the more resilient items in your pantry. It's possible you don't even remember when you purchased it. However, if you pick up that bottle and look at the expiration date (which is usually printed on the neck), there is a good chance you still have a few years to go before hitting that "best if used by" date. Depending on how you store it, you may be able to go beyond the deadline and still have a quality product that you can use for your culinary needs.


The two main culprits that degrade nearly any product are light and temperature. The secret to keeping vanilla extract as fresh as possible for as long as possible is to store it where neither of those factors is an issue. For instance, placing it in a dark cabinet away from appliances that produce heat will give you the best odds for longevity.

Other storage tips to get the longest life out of your vanilla extract

Storing vanilla extract in a cool (not cold), dark location is the best way to preserve it, but that is not the only thing you need to remember. There is another trick that may help you get the most out of your purchase, especially if you bought a large bottle. Consider keeping the portion you are using in a smaller dark bottle so you do not have to open the lid and expose your entire batch of extract to oxygen and contaminants.


Keep in mind that not all types of extract have the same shelf life. While pure vanilla extract can last indefinitely, imitation vanilla extract only lasts about two to four years. If you are using vanilla beans, you might only get a year in storage before degradation begins.

Finally, vanilla extract is packaged in dark bottles to help block out and extend its life. Still, if you ever open a bottle and discover it has turned cloudy or notice it doesn't smell or taste the same, it's time to get a new bottle.

