Baking Syringes Are The Tool You Need To Load Up Treats With Filling

The piping bag is a versatile baking tool. It is a cone-shaped bag with a tip that you can fill with just about anything — as long as it is squeezable. This includes dough, batter, puree, or cream filling. There is a wide variety of piping bag tips available, each with a specific purpose. Some tips feature a decorative pattern for icing, while others are long and narrow, making them best for injecting. This second type of tip is what many people use to fill treats such as cupcakes and doughnuts with cream. However, a piping bag is not the only way to do this.


A baking syringe is another option that helps you get the job done. Like the piping bag, this baking tool also features a variety of tips that you can use for different purposes, whether you want to decorate or fill. The key difference is instead of a plastic bag that you squeeze, the filling is placed inside the barrel of the syringe, and you depress a plunger to control its application.

Three benefits of using for a baking syringe

While a baking syringe might not be the first tool that comes to mind when thinking about filling treats, there are a few advantages to using this option. First, since a baking syringe is a sturdy container, it's easier to fill than a piping bag. Just spoon the icing in, and you're good to go. Or you can place the nozzle into the cream and pull the plunger up for an even quicker fill.


Second, with a baking syringe, it is easier to control the filling's flow, especially if you are a beginner. To dispense the filling, hold the barrel in one hand and steadily depress the plunger with the other. Many models are designed so you can depress the plunger with one hand while the other guides the tip for precise placement.

Third, the nozzle of a baking syringe is easier to swap. You can even do it while there is still icing in the syringe. All you need to do is unscrew the collar and remove the old tip. Then, put on the new tip and screw the collar back on. The entire process is less messy, and it only takes a few seconds to complete.

