Pumpkin-Spiced Tres Leches Cake Is The Dessert You Need To Try

Whenever fall draws near, it once again becomes time to break out everything pumpkin spice flavored. For some of us, that means hopping in line for the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. For others, that means getting in the kitchen to try your hand at a tasty fall-inspired recipe, like a pumpkin-spiced tres leches cake.


As you can imagine, a pumpkin-spiced tres leches cake starts out with a regular tres leches cake recipe, whether you use a boxed cake mix or make your batter from scratch. Of course, you need to get some pumpkin spice flavors in there, so it's recommended you add pumpkin purée and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.

When it comes to making the tres leches topping, you can mix together your three milks as usual, but then consider adding another dash of the aforementioned spices. After all, you want that pumpkin spice goodness to really permeate this cake. You can also use the same spices to zhuzh up your cake frosting. Delicious.

Need even more pumpkin spice in your tres leches cake?

Although the previously described tres leches recipe is nothing short of pumpkin spice heaven, we understand it might not be pumpkin-spiced enough for everyone. As such, we've rounded up a few more ways to really take your pumpkin-spiced tres leches cake to the next level.


One easy way to spice up your pumpkin-spiced tres leches cake is by starting with a spice cake recipe or boxed mix rather than a plain vanilla cake. If using this option, you can forgo adding homemade pumpkin purée and other spices, but you can alternatively add them to really emphasize those fall flavors.

Another simple upgrade involves adding chai tea to your milks. Chai tea carries very similar flavors to gingerbread and pumpkin spice, so adding it to your tres leches mix achieves the same result as adding those spices. The stuff can also give your frosting those warm spice flavors, for an all-around cohesive pumpkin-spiced tres leches cake.

