The Most Effective Way To Melt Peanut Butter

Let's take a moment to appreciate peanut butter. Not only is the nut butter packed with vitamin E and iron, but it also tastes delicious on more than just a peanut butter sandwich. While it's a satisfying experience to eat peanut butter by the giant spoonful straight from the jar, it's also a versatile ingredient to use in sweet or savory recipes. Though you could just scoop a dollop of cold peanut butter, there are times when it works better melted. When it comes to melting peanut butter, there are several options, but our preferred method is to use the microwave. Not only does it not require turning on the oven or dirtying a pan, it's also the simplest, and requires the least amount of work.


In order to microwave peanut butter, put however much you need in a microwave-safe bowl. Melt the peanut butter in 30-second intervals, so as not to risk burning it. Every 30 seconds, remove the bowl, give the peanut butter a good stir, and repeat the process until it's fully melted. If you've ever tempered chocolate in the microwave, you'll be a pro, as it's essentially the same method. In under two minutes, you should have perfectly smooth and stirrable peanut butter as a dip for your pretzels or a drizzle for your ice cream. If you don't own a microwave, there are a few other tried and true methods, though they won't be as efficient.

How to use melted peanut butter

Whisking peanut butter works to give it a melted consistency without adding additional heat, for times when you need your thinner and runnier peanut butter to be at room temperature. Another option is to melt it on the stovetop. Add your peanut butter to the pot and stir till melted, at a very low temperature. The peanut butter can burn quickly on the stove, but it's a speedy process, so as long as you keep the temperature low, you won't spend too much time stirring.


Once you have your melted peanut butter the options are endless. Use it as a drizzle on popcorn, brownies, or banana pancakes. Peanut butter is a staple in many savory dishes, and it's much easier to stir in melted peanut butter than a big glop of the cold stuff. For the simplest recipe possible, mix in some tamari, maple syrup, garlic, ginger, and a squeeze of lime juice right out of the microwave and you've got a five-minute peanut sauce for noodles or rice. When working with melted peanut butter, make sure to move quickly, as it will revert to its original state as it cools down. If you stir in some water or other liquid while it's melted, it should stay pliable for as long as you need it. And if for any reason you need your melted peanut butter to firm up, quickly pop it in the fridge until it reaches the desired consistency.


