These Liquors Are Less Likely To Give You A Gnarly Hangover

Few things can throw a wrench in your day quite like a bad hangover. Still, for most of us, this doesn't stop us from finding ourselves in the dreaded alcohol-induced state now and then. Many have tried a supposed "hangover cure" or two over the years. While some things help more than others, we can all agree that the instant, foolproof solution that most of us look for when we wake up nauseous, parched, and nursing a headache has yet to be discovered.


In truth, the best way to cure a hangover is really to get ahead of it. We should all be doing our best to keep a hangover at bay the night before the hangover occurs rather than trying to undo the damage when we wake up the morning after a night of boozy fun. This is much easier said than done, of course, but preventing a hangover may not be so difficult if avoiding it had less to do with staying on top of hydration or stopping the festivities early and more to do with what we choose to drink. Interestingly, hangover prevention actually does have to do with what kind of alcohol you choose to drink, and getting a handle on it can help you avoid chasing your fun night with a rough morning. 


Drink color matters

What you choose to drink can affect your hangover. Most of us know that downing sweet cocktails will likely present us with more problems than a few glasses of wine. In reality, though, it goes much deeper than that. Nutritionist and personal trainer, Sloane Davis, told Food & Wine, "As a rule of the thumb, the darker the alcohol, the more severe the hangover will be." The hard alcohol that will present you with the lowest hangover risk is vodka. If you're not a vodka fan, gin, white wine, and light rum are great alternatives. Brandy and whiskey are likely to present you with the worst hangovers. The color rule doesn't just apply to liquor. Red wine is likely to cause more of a hangover than white wine, and light beer is safer than dark beer. 


How different peoples' bodies tolerate and respond to alcohol differs, and how you handle alcohol can vary from drink to drink. Consequently, there's no hard and fast rule that certain alcohol won't give you a hangover. The only surefire way not to wake up with a hangover is to keep your alcohol intake low or not partake at all. That said, if you want to have your drink and eat it, too, with minimal effects, you may want to search for a low alcohol white wine instead. Low alcohol wines typically have 6% – 11% ABV, while other wines can have up to 25%.

Consume good things while you're drinking

Opting for a low alcohol wine or a clear alcohol like vodka or gin are great ways to keep your hangover risk low. Still, there are more things that you can do before and during a big night out to keep your body feeling its best. According to sports dietitian and nutritionist, Meg Mangano, what you eat before and while you're drinking has a surprising effect on whether or not you end up hungover. "Include foods that are rich in the vitamins and minerals lost when drinking and a balance of quality carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats, which help to keep energy levels stable and slow the absorption of alcohol in the body," Mangano told Food & Wine


We all know that drinking on an empty or full stomach has two very different outcomes. Consequently, eating anything before drinking is a good choice. Still, there are some foods that will give you an extra leg up on keeping that hangover at bay. Opt for foods that are high in protein and fat. Fresh vegetables and fruit are great choices, especially those with Vitamins A and B and magnesium. Avocados, legumes, and leafy greens are great options. Cheese, eggs, and oatmeal are also beneficial, easy choices, and they'll make your next boozy brunch go down much more smoothly.

