TikTok Created A Hormone-Balancing Carrot Salad But This Doctor Is Not Impressed

Hormones have become a hot topic in the wellness space, and many women are looking to stabilize theirs through diet and lifestyle. That's why a "hormone-balancing salad" is making the rounds on TikTok — though whether or not it can truly help those with imbalances is proving questionable.

Content creator @balancebypaige posted the salad recipe to her TikTok account, claiming that the carrot-based concoction helps balance "excess estrogen" during her cycle. The self-proclaimed holistic hormone specialist uses the raw carrot salad as a "staple in [her] diet," attributing its creation to biologist Ray Peat. It's an easy enough recipe to replicate. The final product combines raw carrots, a tablespoon of olive oil, organic apple cider vinegar, mineral salt, and fresh pepper. According to Paige, eating this regularly helps alleviate "typical PMS symptoms," including bloating, fatigue, and hormonal acne.

Those are common complaints among those who experience periods and menopause. As such, viewers may be tempted to try Paige's salad when dealing with their own symptoms. However, one medical professional warned against taking the claims made on TikTok too much to heart.

Ob-gyn calls out lack of evidence for hormone-balancing carrot salad

Not long after @balancebypaige's TikTok recipe went viral, Shoma Datta-Thomas, MD, FACOG, challenged her claims. In an interview with PopSugar, the ob-gyn emphasized how little research there is to support the salad's impact on hormone imbalances. She also noted how much more goes into treating such ailments. A salad alone isn't likely to become a cure-all. In some instances, medical intervention may even be necessary.

"When it comes to balancing hormones, multiple factors need to be considered," Dr. Datta-Thomas told PopSugar. "It takes a combination of a consistent diet and lifestyle habits to truly address an imbalance."

This sentiment is supported by the Cleveland Clinic, which also recommends looking into the root cause of the problem. Tumors, thyroid disease, and autoimmune disorders are among the underlying conditions that can result in hormone imbalances.

Dr. Datta-Thomas went on to stress the importance of conducting research studies prior to recommending treatments. "The extreme of eating this salad two to three times per day and the TikTok viral recipe don't have medical evidence behind it, which would include randomized controlled trials," she explained.

Of course, this raw carrot salad isn't the first wellness trend to gain traction on TikTok without scientific evidence backing it. It likely won't be the last. Fortunately, those utilizing the recipe may still experience health benefits thanks to its core ingredient.

Raw carrots boast other proven health benefits

Viewers shouldn't assume that TikTok's viral carrot salad will cure their hormone imbalances. However, adding more carrots to their diets may bring about other health benefits. Carrots boast high levels of vitamin A, carotenoids, and polyphenols. These properties help prevent cellular damage, potentially reducing the risk of cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and other degenerative disorders. Vitamin A is also necessary for optimal vision (hence the old adage that carrots are good for the eyes).

Increasing one's carrot intake boosts one's fiber consumption as well. Soluble fiber is linked to improved blood sugar balance, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and decreased risk of heart disease. Dietary fiber also positively impacts gut function, another big focus of wellness TikTok.

Needless to say, eating TikTok's raw carrot salad does have health benefits. Even if its purported impact on hormones has yet to be proven, it may make viewers feel better in other ways. As Dr. Datta-Thomas suggests, it's important to know the facts and temper expectations — though it certainly isn't worthless to integrate more carrots into one's diet.