Twitter Is Wrong About Baskin-Robbins' 2,600 Calorie Shake

As fans of Baskin-Robbins know, this particular ice cream chain is not afraid to go big. In recent years, Baskin-Robbins has pushed the confines of traditional ice cream with a limited-time chicken and waffles flavor, a bizarre slime topping reminiscent of Nickelodeon's many 90's game shows, and even a wildly caloric Oreo shake.


The Oreo shake in particular is still making the rounds online, despite its highest calorie count being a thing of the past –- 2009, to be specific. According to the nutrition label floating around on Twitter, a large Baskin-Robbins Oreo shake contained 2,600 calories, as well as 263 grams of sugar. A can of Coke, in comparison, contains 39 grams of sugar.

Naturally, these numbers led another Twitter user to theorize that "one of these would kill a European," to which a European helpfully responded, "Yes, this is lethal." While it's true that the 2009 version of Baskin-Robbins' Oreo shake packed some mind-boggling numbers, Twitter is forgetting that this label is now 14 years old, and the nutrition info has since changed for the better.


How does the modern Baskin-Robbins' Oreo shake compare?

Don't get us wrong, Baskin-Robbins' current Oreo shake isn't much better in terms of calories than the 2009 version, but it has made a few improvements. Whereas the nutrition label circulating on Twitter shows a large shake containing 2,600 calories, 135 grams of fat, 1770 milligrams of sodium, and 263 grams of sugar, an updated nutrition label tells a different story.


In 2023, that same size of Baskin-Robbins Oreo shake contains 1,440 calories, 70 grams of fat, 640 milligrams of sodium, and 142 grams of sugar. Again, these numbers are tamed down a bit compared to the earlier version of the Oreo shake, but still a great deal higher than, say, a single serving of Baskin-Robbins' Oreo ice cream. Served from the pint, a single serving (aka 2/3 cup) contains 240 calories and 15 grams of sugar.

So how does the Oreo shake manage to rack up so many more calories, when it's made with the Oreo ice cream? As far as we can tell, the only real difference between the two is that the shake includes a simple syrup made from sugar and water. While some customers may appreciate the added sweetness, others might want to pass on this particular sugar-bomb.


