Celebrate National Egg Day With A Festive Egg-Themed Cake

These days, there are an increasing number of holidays commemorating individual foods. The beginning of June kicks off both National Soul Food Month and National Iced Tea Month — among others — the month opens with our national recognitions of olives (June 1) and donuts (June 2).


But, please believe it when we say that National Egg Day is special. It's been celebrated since the 1950s in recognition of one of nature's most amazing foods. This means it's a perfect day to break out of your egg rut and try something a little different in honor of this versatile and protein-rich little package. Eggs are a richly symbolic food; because there is life inside eggs, they are seen as symbols of life itself in many traditions, which is one of the reasons they are commonly eaten at Easter (that, and the fact that they were considered off-limits during Lent for centuries).

The obvious way to celebrate National Egg Day is with some party cake, of course. But, if you want to stay on brand, a cake that's also decorated to look like an egg is a perfect choice. There are cakes designed to look like deviled and hardboiled eggs, but we'd especially recommend taking some inspiration from Cadbury's beloved cream eggs and making cupcakes that incorporate the luscious chocolates into their batter and an additional creme egg into their frosted topping


Egg cakes: Savory edition

If you're not feeling the cake angle, you can always make your eggs look like cake, while keeping them savory. Some TikTokers have even tried this, but will you really get a hankering to sink your teeth into this vision, complete with queso "frosting"? We're not so sure. 


For those who want to have their egg cake and eat it too, we think a TikToker is onto something with their use of a mini bundt pan to make sous vide egg bites, just because that's what they had on hand, referring to them as "Omelet bundtlets!"


✨Omelet Bundtlets ✨ Eggs are expensive as hell might as well make them fancy 😘 – I just copied a Starbucks Copy Cat Starbucks Sous Vide Egg Bite recipe with the toppings of my liking. Then I baked in a silicone mini bundt cake pan. Make sure you have place a seperate pan of boiling water in the oven while you cook. Thats keyyy. #breakfast

♬ Pink Champagne – Abby Roberts

The TikToker was so happy with the results, they think it might be a thing. And, we have to agree. It's remarkable what a silicone mini-cake pan will do to spiff up your eggs, without any need to adjust your recipe. If you bake your eggs in a shape that looks just like a cake, you have a remarkably easy and festive breakfast. Mini frittatas are great, but bundt frittatas are glorious and very flexible in terms of ingredients. Start with a simple recipe like one for mini egg soufflés or sous vide egg bites, both making for delicious results. Jazzing them up is as simple as using a mini bundt pan. 


Happy National Egg Day, to those who choose to celebrate, be they sweet or salty: there's something for everyone. 

