A Chicago Hot Dog Stand Is Something Straight Out Of A Wes Anderson Movie

Those who keep tabs on all the social media trends have undoubtedly seen the thousands of Wes Anderson-esque videos out there. The trend began with user @avawillyums who shared a TikTok of a routine commuter rail trip that was wrapped in several recognizable hallmarks of Anderson-directed films like "The Grand Budapest Hotel" and "The Royal Tenenbaums." These include lingering shots of a perfectly-centered subject, mundane yet deliberate actions like straightening a crooked ticket, and saturated tints of yellow, red, and orange — all set to the harpsichord and strings piece from Anderson's film "The French Dispatch."  


Since then the trend has seen all kinds of life moments — from stealing French fries to woodworking to the birth of a baby. – turned into Wes Anderson-style clips. There's even a video of the "Scream" ghost doing his serial killer thing to the perky music. One of the best examples of this trend? A video that captures the experience of grabbing a hot dog at a landmark Chicago hot dog stand. Chicago's own Vienna Beef hot dog company shared its homage video on Instagram, and it features Duk's Red Hots stand on Ashland Avenue. This is how they did it.

How to make a hot dog the lead in a Wes Anderson film

Vienna Beef's Instagram reel opens with a shot of the iconic hot dog stand that's been a fixture of the neighborhood for almost 70 years. It has the feel of a state fair food stall with its tiny windows, marquee lights, and huge red and blue lettering advertising hamburgers and hot dogs. But with the "French Dispatch" music rolling, Duk's Red Hots gets a decidedly hipsterish feel in this Wes Anderson take. 


The Wes Anderson-trend social media posts always open with a title card — this one reads "The Royal Tenen-Beefs." From there, viewers see quick shots of the smiling staff centered in the frame, a salt shaker slightly askew on a table (promptly straightened), and a deconstructed — then constructed — Chicago-style Vienna Beef hot dog. Two dapper gentlemen in yellow and orange cardigans and glasses stoically eat their hot dogs next to a "No Trespassing" sign. The gold-tinted video closes with a shot of a gleaming red trash can receiving a wadded-up napkin. 

Vienna Beef fans on the channel were clearly charmed, with one proclaiming it "Pure beef cinema."

