The Best Way To Make Your Grocery Store Trip Better For The Planet

We can only do so much to make celebrities and big companies reduce their carbon footprint, but if little changes we adopt can help make the planet a healthier place even by a minuscule fraction, going green can be worth it. Even something as simple as being mindful during your trip to the grocery store can help, and you'll be saving a lot of money in the process.


Food waste can have a significant impact on the environment. Wasted food emits methane, a greenhouse gas that is more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide. Humans waste around a third of all food produced, and around 8% of all greenhouse gas emissions are caused by it, per Although food waste is such a big issue, it is also the most solvable one. You can do your part at the grocery store by not buying more than you need. If you can't realistically eat something before it goes bad, it's best not to buy it.

Aspirational purchases are also a big no-no. You might be tempted to buy ingredients that you think you will use in the future, but unless you are absolutely sure that you will, say your goodbyes and move on.


Nothing goes to waste if you're creative enough

Let's face it. No matter how economical you are, food waste cannot always be avoided. Maybe you overestimated how much broccoli your family can eat in a week or your guests didn't show up to eat the delicious food you had made for them. Life happens. Thankfully, there are many ways you can make use of leftovers.


The extra vegetables you bought can always be pickled. Leftovers can feed you for days and with a little innovation you can turn them into tasty new meals. Leftover meats are one internet search away from being transformed into a delicious new recipe. You can make homemade jams out of fruits. The rice and grains left in the packaging can become bird food. The possibilities are endless. Even rotten produce can be converted into compost. Instead of throwing out good food, you can always donate it

Other ways to make your grocery store trip environment-friendly are by avoiding prepared food in plastic packaging, carrying reusable bags, buying local produce, and buying fruits and vegetables from companies that sell imperfect produce that is generally thrown out.


