Here's Why Cold Brew Has More Caffeine Than Iced Coffee

Cold brew coffee has been growing in popularity as a go-to beverage for caffeine lovers, especially during the summertime. Whether you make your own at home with concentrate, grab one from your local café, or sip on ready-to-drink canned brands from the store like Lavazza, La Colombe, High Brew, or Sail Away, cold brew offers a pleasant coffee experience. The average 16-ounce serving of cold brew contains about 200 mg of caffeine, whereas traditional iced and hot coffees have about 100 mg of caffeine. Therefore, if you're really in need of a jolt of energy, cold brew should definitely do the trick.


If you've ever wondered why cold brew has more caffeine content than your conventional iced coffee, it's important to understand the difference between the two. While iced coffee is made by brewing hot coffee and serving it over ice, cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period of time, usually between 8 and 24 hours. The extended brewing process allows for the water to penetrate the coffee beans deeply, extracting more caffeine.

The temperature of the water used in brewing also plays a crucial role. Iced coffee, for instance, is brewed with hot water and then cooled, which reduces the solubility of caffeine. On the other hand, cold brew is made with cold water, which allows for the caffeine to be better extracted from the beans.


Cold brew is a buzzworthy beverage

If you've ever sipped cold brew, you probably noticed a smoother texture and sweeter flavor. There's a reason for that. Generally, cold brew is less acidic since its process creates a concentrate that has a more mellow and less bitter profile. The lack of heat in the brewing process also prevents the coffee from developing some of the bitter compounds present in regular coffee. Cold brew coffee requires a higher coffee-to-water ratio for brewing than iced coffee, which simply means more coffee grounds are required for cold brew compared to iced coffee. The result? You guessed it: a higher caffeine concentration.


Cold brew coffee has more caffeine than iced coffee for several reasons, including the brewing method, the temperature of the water used, the coffee-to-water ratio, and brewing time. If you're looking for a boost in your morning cuppa, cold brew is the way to go. However, it is important to note that consuming too much caffeine can have negative consequences on your health. As with anything, moderation is key!

