You Can Easily Make The Golden Nights Cocktail At Home (Minus The 24-Carat Edible Gold Leaf)

If you were following this year's Academy Awards coverage, you might have heard mention of Wolfgang Puck's menu for the Governor's Ball after-party — and the special cocktail included with the dinner. This year's official drink of the Oscars, Golden Nights, didn't just earn its name for its citrus-yellow hue; the cocktail was also served with a 24-carat gold leaf rim. Celebrities — they're just like us.


But you don't have to be an A-list awards nominee to enjoy a glass of Golden Nights for yourself. As long as you can stand to forgo the gold leaf rim (edible gold is known to be tasteless anyway), you can make the cocktail using a few common home bar ingredients, spruced up with some more particular mix-ins. According to Popsugar, the libation starts with muddled mint leaves, lime juice, and a sugary lemon oil called oleo-saccharum.

After that, in goes a splash of Cachaça or white rum, a dash of bitters, and fino sherry, known for its light and dry flavor. Shake the mixture over ice, strain it into your favorite coup glass, and top with Champagne (or another sparkling wine to make this beverage on a budget).


How to put the finishing touches on the Golden Nights drink

While all of the alcoholic elements of the Golden Nights cocktail should be available at most liquor shops, you might need to make the oleo-saccharum yourself. Don't worry, this is easy and pretty hands-off: Just gently muddle some lemon peels with sugar, let it sit for a few hours, and strain out the sweet, fragrant oil that the sugar will have drawn out of the citrus. 


Now for the garnish. If a rim's worth of 24-carat gold doesn't sound like the most realistic decoration — though it is pretty easy to find online — edible glitter will do the trick and let you sip like a star. As for glamorous food to serve after drinks at your next awards show viewing party, take a cue from stars like Meryl Streep and Barbara Streisand, whose favorite Governors Ball dish is Wolfgang Puck's famous chicken pot pie.

