So, You Can Eat Crocodile Eggs

Eating is meant to be adventurous — we'd find ourselves uninspired if we settled for the same daily meals. Food is an immersive experience that provokes our creative spirit, challenges what we know, and brings people together. Experiencing the full spectrum of food means branching out beyond the basics and trying exciting new cuisines that might not otherwise be in your weekly rotation — like crocodile eggs.


Most people love chicken eggs, and you might even be familiar with some of the more unique varieties like quail eggs, duck eggs, or even ostrich eggs. But you might be surprised to find out that crocodile eggs are perfectly edible, too. Crocodile eggs can be hard to come by in America, but they're popular in some parts of Australia, such as Queensland, and are a delicacy among the country's Aboriginal population. As it turns out, crocodile eggs are not only uniquely tasty, but they also offer a wide range of health benefits.

Everything you need to know about eating crocodile eggs

Harvesting crocodile eggs is a complicated and controversial process. Because crocodile eggs are often subject to drowning or predation from other animals, some critics say taking what is left for human consumption is unethical. However, in 2018, Queensland passed a bill making it legal to harvest crocodile eggs with a permit and strict rules and regulations to promote conservation. Because they're tricky to obtain, crocodile eggs are also expensive. A single crocodile egg can reach up to $65 — and you thought the egg prices in America were absurd.


Despite the high price tag and debate surrounding the ethics of harvesting crocodile eggs, they're an incredibly healthy food. Crocodile eggs are high in lecithin, a naturally occurring fat that lowers high blood pressure, can improve cholesterol levels, and may reduce your overall risk for heart disease.

When it comes to flavor, crocodile eggs boast a subtle, fishy taste that's reminiscent of the water they were laid in. Crocodile eggs should be cooked thoroughly to avoid parasitic contamination and, like other eggs, can be fried, boiled, or even scrambled. The real question is: Would you disrupt your go-to breakfast to try a crocodile egg omelet?

