People Are Already Throwing Shade At Taco Bell's Latest Burrito

Taco Bell made a big, beefy, crunchy, burrito-y, announcement on its Instagram. Taco Bell's Beefy Crunch burrito is finally back for a limited time. Fans of this burrito are celebrating, but others are lamenting lost favorites and even questioning if the Beefy Crunch burrito deserves a place on the menu at all.


Some are saying that it is too similar to the Beefy Melt. The Beefy Crunch burrito includes ground beef, rice, nacho cheese, sour cream, and Flamin' Hot Fritos all wrapped in a flour tortilla. The Beefy Melt is almost identical, but instead of the Flamin' Hot Fritos, it has red-colored tortilla strips. Beefy Crunch fans say the Flamin' Hot Fritos make it, but others are skeptical. Instagram user @austinmehta bluntly stated, "Cool Ranch is the best. Who voted for this?"

Indeed, there are some questions about the integrity of the vote to bring back a discontinued Taco Bell favorite on the Taco Bell app. The Beefy Crunch was pitted against the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos taco. Those that were regularly voting said that the vote always showed a 60/40 split favoring the Beefy Crunch. One user, @schusterbob_, claimed that the Beefy Crunch was automatically selected when the poll was opened, inherently favoring the burrito. In a response, he went on to say, "If you are willing to accept a victory for your party based on corruption and collusion then you are no more a burrito lover than a silly goose." Undoubtedly strong words.


Beefy Crunch fans are unapologetically celebrating the victory

Despite heartbreaking and angry comments from fans of the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco — including crying emojis, comparing the taste buds of Beefy Crunch lovers to 1800's coal miners, and a simple, but effective "not my president" — Beefy Crunch burrito fans are relishing the win. One user, @vinnyford4542, summed it up saying, "It was total victory my brothers and sisters #beefycrunchmovement." The Beefy Crunch Movement Facebook page acknowledged the win to its more than 66,000 followers, but vowed to never let the Beefy Crunch Movement lose momentum.


The campaign has been around since the Beefy Crunch burrito was removed from the menu after its run from 2010 to 2011. The burrito has made a few brief appearances for limited periods, but not since 2018.

Taco Bell has said the burrito will be available beginning in early August, but has not yet announced an official date. Fans of the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos tacos will just have to hope for better luck next time around.

