A Philadelphia $1 Hot Dog Deal Turned Into A Major Food Fight

Let's face it, Americans eat millions of hot dogs at baseball games each year. Hot dogs are simply part of the baseball experience at this point. However, several fans at a Phillies game on April 11, took the experience to a whole new level.


This particular game was one of many Dollar Dog Nights, but escalated after fans started "having hot dog eating contests," according to Robert Kristovich who attended the game and found himself caught in the fray. He explained to ABC 6 that one fan had already eaten 13 concession stand hot dogs when other fans started throwing more hot dogs his way in order to get him to eat more.

As we can all imagine, it only takes a few people throwing hot dogs for dozens of others to take notice and get involved themselves. What started as a single-section hot dog eating contest quickly turned into a stadium-wide food fight, even "[progressing] as these things do, to water bottles," Kristovich said. Rightfully so, this was where security drew the line.


Fans were kicked out of a Phillies game for food fight participation

In Robert Kristovich's video footage of the game, posted on TikTok, fans can be seen throwing hot dogs from all directions. Unfortunately, some fans escalated to throwing water bottles, which pose a significantly greater danger than flying hot dogs. In a statement released to ABC 6, the Phillies confirmed that a few fans were "ejected" from the game "as a result of their unruly behavior."



Phillies 'Dollar Dog Night' turns into food fight, some fans ejected #phillies #hotdogs #dollardognight #baseball #news #6abc

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There has been no mention of canceling the two remaining Dollar Dog Nights on April 25 and May 9, but we now have to wonder how accurate the night's hot dog count is. Phillies Nations' Tim Kelly tweeted that the stadium sold more than 58,000 hot dogs on April 11, but we know at least a few hundred of those went uneaten, so does that number still mean much to anyone? Honestly, the whole ordeal takes us back to last year's scandal with the back-pedaling hot dog count.

