Is Himalayan Pink Salt The Same As Black Salt?

Many kitchens across the United States have replaced regular table salt with shakers full of pink Himalayan salt to take advantage of its comparatively high mineral content and low sodium levels. You may have also heard of Himalayan black salt and wondered how similar they are based on their shared name. Black salt goes by many names like kala namak, Sulemani namak, or simply Indian black salt, and has been seasoning Indian cuisine for hundreds of years. It enhances the taste of dishes like tikka masala, yogurt, and fruit salad. It even brings out the flavors of freshly prepared citrus drinks. Although both types of salt are mined over 180 miles from the Himalayan Mountains in Pakistan, they differ in just about every other way.


Himalayan pink salt is one of the most additive-free, pure salts available. Its pastel-colored crystalline rocks are harvested, washed, crushed, and sent to wherever they are sold. Black salt, on the other hand, is mixed with herbs, charcoal, and bark before being fired in a kiln to create the taste and smell black salt is known to have. By its taste and smell, we mean that of sulfurous, hard-boiled eggs. This makes black salt a popular choice for vegans who want to mimic the taste of eggs in their food without actually eating them. Besides their contrasting flavor profiles, black and pink Himalayan salt have different health benefits, too.

Pink and black Himalayan salts contain important dietary minerals

You've likely seen Himalayan salt plastered around wellness stores or seen a decorative salt lamp used to light small, cozy corners at home. But you may not have known that this rock salt contains around 84 minerals that you consume traces of when using this salt to season dishes. Our bodies don't produce salt naturally, so why not get a daily dose of salt with a healthy side of minerals, too? Himalayan pink salt is also used for its environmental cleansing ionic properties and in products for improving skin health. For cooking purposes, you can use it on bland dishes that need a touch of zest instead of table salt, which smells and tastes virtually the same.


Black salt also contains our body's much-needed minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium. Sometimes, it's used to aid digestive function or reduce acid reflux symptoms due to its acid-neutralizing properties. This dark, purplish salt is best used for its unique flavors that complement recipes like a savory chicken curry rather nicely. You can even use it for brining pickles.

While Himalayan pink salt isn't easily confused, if you're tempted to try Himalayan black salt for yourself, be careful not to accidentally grab Hawaiian black lava salt, which has a different flavor profile. And remember that, as with all things in life, no matter how good it is, try to salt your meals in moderation!

