The Oldest Food Mascot Is One You Probably Don't Even Notice

From The Kool-Aid Man to Chester the Cheetah, food mascots liven up brand commercials and boost a product's level of recognition. Representing the popular milk brand Borden Dairy, Elsie the Cow was introduced to the world in 1936, becoming the first food mascot in a long-lasting lineup of these beloved characters. The cartoon mascot ended up being a hit with families, creating a consumer-friendly way to explain the benefits of dairy, according to the company's website

Elsie first appeared in medical journals and soon began lining the walls of doctors' offices to promote milk's health benefits. Elsie appeared in ads alongside her cow friends – Mrs. Blossom, Bessie, and Clara. The cartoon mascot drew such an audience response that some started writing letters to Elsie herself. So when it came to the 1939 New York World's Fair, audiences cared more about meeting the real-life Elsie than the brand's state-of-the-art "rotolactor" milking system. According to Community News, the only problem was that Borden Dairy didn't have a real-life Elsie at the time. So they had to think fast and found the perfect cow in You'll Do Lobelia.

Who was You'll Do Lobelia?

According to Community News, You'll Do Lobelia was a 7-year-old Jersey cow with a huge personality that landed her the coveted spot of becoming the first Elsie. Borden Dairy's rotolactor – a machine that enabled the milking of 10 cows at a time in as little as 12 minutes — ended up being a bust, so the brand quickly introduced the real-life Elsie. You'll Do Lobelia was selected from 150 cows and ended up becoming somewhat of an American hero. The cow appeared at several events and aided in the sale of $10 million in war bonds. 

Unfortunately, You'll Do Lobelia's reign as Elsie was short-lived. In 1941, the cow ended up being injured in a wreck while being transported. Unfortunately, veterinarians had to humanely euthanize the animal. Though many cows have stood in for Elsie since You'll Do Lobelia's 1941 death, the cow will forever mark a special part of Borden's History. Fans of the beloved cow can still visit her Plainsboro, New Jersey grave in Heron Court. Displayed with her original name You'll Do Lobelia, the marker reads "A purebred Jersey cow. One of the great Elsies of our time. 1932 — 1941." Today, Borden dairy offers a range of products, even making the list of the most popular cheese brands.