The Financial Reason You Should Never Buy Cooking Tools At The Grocery Store

The cost of food rose by 10.1% from January 2022 to January 2023 (via USDA). Within the same period, food purchased from grocery stores and supermarkets increased by 11.3%, while food bought away from home — what you enjoy at your favorite restaurants — increased by 8.2%. These statistics call for financial food discipline and shopping on a budget for many households. Saving money means cutting down not only on the cost of food items but also on your cooking utensils and other kitchen tools.


If you're trying to devise ways to save on your groceries, take a look at your shopping behavior. By this, we mean you should acquaint yourself with some tips from smart grocery shoppers, like listening to fast-paced music on your headphones while shopping. Here's another tip: Not all items should be bought from a grocery store, even if you see them stocked on the shelves. For example, you should avoid buying cooking tools or utensils from your local grocery store. Instead, buy them from a separate location for your financial peace of mind.

Cooking tools are cheaper in restaurant supply stores

Compared to discount retailers, grocery stores have higher prices for cooking utensils or equipment. When you visit your local grocery store for essentials, such as pancake mix, and then realize you need to buy a spatula as well, you should consider getting your spatula from somewhere else other than the grocery store. Fortunately, there's a handy trick to save on cooking tools amidst rising food costs. According to Rachel Cruze, a personal finance expert, "Those types of items are usually much cheaper at discount retailers like Walmart" (via Reader's Digest). To save even more money, you should consider buying a set of tools instead of single items. Or, if you have an allowance for shipping time, you can browse for the best deals and buy online.


Purchasing kitchen tools from a restaurant supply store is another cheaper option for finding high-quality utensils at lower prices. You don't need to be a restaurateur or professional chef, either — these stores are open to all. Restaurant supply stores stock items suited for professional kitchens, meaning that the items are designed to be used all day in demanding environments that result in a lot of wear and tear. Therefore, they'll last a very long time in your home kitchen. Think of it this way: If chefs don't purchase their essential kitchen tools from retail stores, maybe you shouldn't, either. 

