What Are Craveables And Why Are They A Barbecue Red Flag?

It seems continuously challenging to resist the allure of naughty but oh-so-tasty treats. Chocolate, fries, cheese — anything boosted by an unhealthy quantity of salt, sugar, or both has the overwhelming (and somewhat unnerving) ability to dominate all of our senses, controlling the entire body until they are devoured in usually unnecessarily huge amounts.


At least we can seek comfort in science to tell us that these feelings towards fatty foods are to some extent outside of our control. According to The New York Times, the design of processed foods involves methods similar to that of addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco, meaning that sometimes the desire to obtain these types of food is too great to tame.

Craving foods that are high in sugar and fat isn't necessarily going to be an enjoyable experience and could actually hamper the luxury of eating quality food. Connoisseurs of barbecue food consider adding the likes of cheese and sauces to meat to be something of a sin and warn about the dangers of craveables. We'll explain exactly what craveables are and how they could ruin barbecue food.


Craveables are problematic for barbecue food

Although the age-old tactic of filling food and drink with salt, sugar, and fat to elicit a positive brain reaction is still a way of encouraging craveability, there is also a need for brands to be in tune with modern demands. Consumers expect the freedom to choose and adapt foods as they please and want to be able to share their eating experiences online.


It's not surprising, then, that these methods and demands have led to craveables, such as pulled pork nachos or beef covered with chili-cheese fries. However, these additions to barbecue meat should be avoided because they are often over the top and lead to overall disappointment — good quality meat should have enough flavor on its own, with maybe the addition of a sprinkling of salt. Coleslaw, pickles, paprika, and celery are all topping possibilities for barbecue meat, but they are not obligatory and should be used sparingly.

Sauces should not be overindulged, either. Just like craveables, sauces mask the taste of the meat; and many simply coat it with an overly sweet flavor. If you prefer to use a sauce, opt for a fruit ketchup because these were originally created to work well with meat.


