Is It Safe To Eat The Skin Of Burrata Cheese?

When it comes to burrata cheese, there are two types of eaters. The first type can't visit an Italian restaurant without ordering a burrata dish. Luckily, this trendy, buttery Italian cheese is so versatile that it can top pizzas, a salad with seasonal ingredients, or even be the main appetizer. Some use it to top avocado toast and still know many other creative ways to cook with burrata.

The second type of person either hasn't tried burrata or might wonder why this cheese is so famous. Why are people so excited about a fluffy ball of cheese? Is it really cheese? Why it is so creamy inside? Can you eat the skin?

It's normal to ask yourself these questions if you've been avoiding it, but the number of burrata lovers out there is a good sign that it's worth trying. First, you may want to understand how it is made. Interestingly, burrata cheese is made with the leftovers of an old friend we call mozzarella

Eat the inside and outside of burrata cheese

Before grabbing a fork and digging into the burrata, let's understand the cheese. Burrata is made of a thin mozzarella shell and filled with stracciatella, a creamy type of cheese that gives burrata its buttery texture. However, it doesn't use the classic shredded mozzarella found in stores, but rather stretched curds of mozzarella. This happens via a cheese-making technique Italians call pasta filata, which is the result of heating and stretching cheese curds with hot water.

So, given that both the inside and outside of the burrata are cheese, eating the skin is completely okay. The whole point of eating burrata is experiencing a combination of textures, such as a curdy exterior mixed with a smooth, yet rich interior. Burrata's flavor is also not overpowering, which is why it works well with tomatoes, basil, and balsamic vinaigrette, over a delicately toasted bruschetta, or with tons of fresh herbs. Regardless of how you prepare it, we hope burrata finds a way to satisfy your palate. And if not, at least now you can explain to others what burrata cheese is and how it's made.