The Best Indication Of A Good Burger Isn't The Patty Itself

You just heard there is a new burger in town. You have heard this patty mixes rib eye, bacon, and short rib. Sounds amazing, right? You need to try it and determine if this is the best burger ever. Your best friend joins you. Once you arrived, the place is packed! "Oh wow, this must be amazing," you think. You read the menu, and there are tons of toppings available. You wait excitedly for your order.


It arrives. It looks good — especially on your Instagram story. You dive into it, but alas, it doesn't change your life. The burger patty is moist, smoky, and rich, but you're disappointed with how all the rest of the ingredients turn out. The burger lacks the harmonious balance of flavors and textures, as Mob describes a good burger should have. While the patty is great, it isn't great with the rest of the ingredients — especially the bun. The best indication of a good burger isn't the patty itself, but how the bun is treated, according to Eat This.

Good bread, a good burger

With the tons of options of burgers buns out there, reading a hamburger menu that doesn't specify what type of bread they are using, or at least if it's toasted or homemade, can be disappointing, said recipe developer Jessica Randhawa to Eat This. It shouldn't be a fancy one, but a fresh classic sesame bun could be nice. There are people that make burgers with English muffins, or simply toasted ciabatta, and other adventurers that would try donut buns or even ramen burgers. But let's just consider regular burgers here, those that can be made with fluffy potato bread, a salty pretzel bun, or a sweet brioche bun.


This last one is a total changer. Burger expert Dan Zeini told Taste Australia, that the brioche bun's sweetness complements the greasiness, and the tanginess of the rest of a burger's ingredients, like pickles, tomatoes, onions, and sauces. Above all, for bread to be decent, this needs to be fresh and match your patty. This is also known as the meat-to-bun ratio (via Eater Carolina). If toasted with butter, it's a plus. Eating a burger shouldn't be complicated, it's better when we can hold the whole burger inside the bread, and get the whole flavor combination in each bite. In the end, the best burger is the one you like, but we're just advising that with a little extra attention, you can really taste the details.


