Alton Brown's 'Dream Job' Is To Host This Long-Running Game Show

Ever dreamt of being a celebrity chef? This may seem like the ultimate career accomplishment for anyone who loves to whip up culinary masterpieces. Some of the world's most successful culinary geniuses, however, imagine themselves doing something completely different sometimes. 


When asked what he would do if he weren't a chef, Wolfgang Puck confessed to Vogue that he would love to be an artist. Culinary superstar, Gordon Ramsay, told The Guardian that football — the version Americans call soccer — was his dream job and that he was devastated when an injury permanently sidelined him. In a Quora session with Ramsay, he was asked what he'd be if he weren't a chef. It turns out that he'd seriously consider becoming a Navy SEAL as he shares their athleticism and discipline. Rachael Ray told her television show audience that her dream gig would be playing the drums for the Foo Fighters or working as a photographer. Alex Guarnaschelli was asked what career she would have tried if she didn't work in food. She quickly replied that she would have become a marine biologist specializing in the hunt for the giant squid, per Food Network. She must really like squid.


While Alton Brown's dream gig is far removed from the realm of food, it would keep him under a megawatt spotlight.  

Alton Brown would love to host Jeopardy!

When Alton Brown appeared on "Larry King Now," he confessed his love for game shows. Among his favorites, he listed the 1970s hits "Match Game" and "Let's Make A Deal." While he may not have set his sights on dethroning Gene Rayburn or Monty Hall, he did covet the job of TV host extraordinaire — the late Alex Trebek. Yes, Brown dreams of someday hosting "Jeopardy!" 


When Larry King asked Brown if you would have to be brilliant to host the academia-based program, Brown replied, "Dude, you read a card." He did admit, however, that you need to be able to pronounce seemingly unpronounceable words, and if you screw up, "everyone knows you're a moron." Would Brown trip over "asterisk" or "antidisestablishmentarianism"? Perhaps, no one will ever know. 

After Trebek died, many guest hosts took turns at the show's helm, including Katie Couric, Dr. Oz, LeVar Burton, George Stephanopoulos, and more (via USA Today). With Mayim Bialik and Ken Jennings now permanently sharing the honor, it seems that Brown has missed his chance. It's perfectly okay, though. With Brown's success in the culinary world, a stint on "Jeopardy!" would be a complete floccinaucinihilipilification. Now there's a word for tongues to trip over. 


