TikTok Is Stunned By The Amount Of Samples One Costco Store Gives Out

Who doesn't like a free food sample every now and then while they shop? Costco, Sam's Club, and mall food courts are a few of the places that offer small portions of food, beverage, or vitamins, with the hopes you'll purchase the full-sized products.

Some stores offer just one or two samples, but others offer more, and as one TikTok user revealed, one Costco location offers a lot more. Meanwhile, the rest of us head to the same sample counters two or three times, 10 minutes apart, hoping the server won't recognize us.

Costco is known for a lot of things. Selling in bulk, having warehouse locations all over the world, food court meals for under two bucks, and of course, free samples, per The Atlantic. The location that created a buzz on TikTok, due to all its samples, is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Can you correctly guess how many samples it gave out in one day, to one customer?

It was enough food to make an entire meal, plus dessert

"Such good samples today!!" That's what @mabottom captioned her TikTok video that showed all the free samples she received during a single shopping trip. But the samples weren't just good; they were generous. So how many did she get? Thirteen!

The first two were an ice cream bar and chips and salsa. Next was a pretty large amount of nut-buttered bread, followed by boba mochi, chicken pot pie, a mini vegan burger with hummus, and Japanese sausage. Then she tried some more bread with pistachio butter, popcorn, a smoothie, olive, and Cheez-Its. And last but not least, were the chips and tzatziki with ginger kombucha samples.

Many respondents commented on how generous this Costco was. One person said, "That was an entire charcuterie board," while another said, "That's a whole meal!" Others commented on how their Costco compares in the samples department. One shopper said that her Costco only gives out two samples, one of which is vitamins. Another said, "My Costco is stingy on the samples and sample sizes."

If your local Costco is one of the "stingy" ones, and you live near Alberta, maybe it's time to pay a visit to the one in Calgary. You just might get 13 samples, too.