Does Instant Coffee Have Better Nutrition Than Regular Ground?

Ground coffee certainly boasts a greater grandeur than its instant alternative. According to Hotel Chocolat, ground coffee is painstakingly crafted with greater flavor than the instant version, and, as a result, is more expensive. Ground coffee creates the impression of a sophisticated, luxury meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Instant coffee could be contrastingly compared to sitting in a hole in the ground eating worms.


However, such coffee snobbery may be unfounded. Clearly, as its name reveals, instant coffee is much more convenient than ground coffee, and should have a greater degree of accessibility as a result of its cheaper pricing. It's growing in popularity, too. Market Data Forecast reports that the U.S. instant coffee market is worth an exceptional $10.2 billion. However, freshly made coffee remains the most popular option.

But should you decide to jump on the instant bandwagon, you may be wondering if one is more nutritious than the other? Well, there are quite a few differences between the two to consider.

There are many nutritional differences between ground and instant coffee

Since the production of coffee stems from coffee beans, surely the nutrition of instant and ground coffees is the same? Actually, no. The methods to manufacture the two make a lot of difference. According to ScienceDirect, instant coffees tend to be made from cheaper robusta beans using high-temperature water. This process results in an abundance of potassium and magnesium, but inhibits the extraction of zinc, copper, and manganese. All of these are important for the body, but the required amounts should be achieved through a balanced diet, explains the NHS.


Caffeine levels differ, too. A 2014 publication in the Food and Function journal shows that caffeine quantities in instant coffee can vary from 48 to 88 milligrams, while for the ground variety, the figure swings between 72 and 212 milligrams. Americans should not consume more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, the FDA states. The presence of caffeoylquinic acids (seen as beneficial to health because of anti-inflammatory properties, a 2021 study by Plant J notes) is higher in instant coffee.

From a purely nutritional standpoint, both instant and ground coffee have their benefits. But if you're looking for less caffeine in your brew, instant coffee can provide the flavor and some crucial nutrients and acids as well.


