The Simple Trick For Making A Chick-Fil-A Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich

Remember the first time you had an ice cream sandwich? Maybe you were at the county fair, or maybe a birthday party for a long-forgotten friend. Regardless of when you first had one, odds are you probably still love them. There are so many ways to prepare an ice cream sandwich, and The Brit shares a few with us, such as the ginger molasses cookies with brown sugar bourbon ice cream sandwiches, key lime pie ice cream sandwiches, and snickerdoodle waffle ice cream sandwiches.


If you're an ice cream sandwich lover, you'd be glad to know that there's actually a national ice cream sandwich day, which is celebrated every year on August 2, per The Folly. According to Rochester First, ice cream sandwiches first started appearing in New York in the 1890's. Guess what they were selling for? A single penny! While these early treats were made with milk biscuits, today, they're commonly made with chocolate chip cookies. Conveniently enough, popular fast food chain Chick-fil-A has an excellent menu hack that's a unique take on the classic ice cream sandwich.

This sweet Chick-fil-A hack takes a little DIY

Thanks to The Krazy Coupon Lady, we have this yummy recipe to hack together an ice cream sandwich from Chick-fil-A. In order to make this delicious cold treat, head to your most convenient Chick-fil-A and order two chocolate chunk cookies and a kid's size cup of Icedream. Get to your operating table (or regular table), crack open the lid, and open the bags. Take both cookies and lay them face down, then slather your Icedream onto the back side of the cookies and squeeze them all together. And to think they say, "Money can't buy happiness."


For those that are more health-minded with our sweets, there is a healthier option to pair with Chick-fil-A's Icedream. Still order that sweet, cool cup of Icedream, but this time pair it with a medium side of fresh fruit. Add the two together in whichever container you prefer and you're done. The best part of the pairing of these two is that Chick-fil-A's Icedream has a taste of old-fashioned vanilla that complements the fruit well. To top it off, this creative concoction only has 200 calories, per the fast food chain.

