Drinking Boxed Wine Is The Best Way To Avoid Cork Taint

Whether you prefer red, white, sparkling, dry, or sweet, wine is a swanky elixir that brings people together and loosens them up with its intoxicating effects. Nature Education says that wine consumption dates back to the prehistoric era and even human's primate ancestors are thought to have enjoyed the buzz of fermented grapes — drunk cavemen! Throughout history, wine has been a symbol of wealth, status, and luxury, as well as a ceremonial sacrament in the Christian faith, per Santo Vino.


Today, however, wine is widely accessible at affordable prices for religious folks, secular drinkers, and modern day cavemen all the same. You can order it from a bar, make it on your own, or grab your favorite bottle from the supermarket. As delicious as a bottle of wine is, though, "cork taint" is a common issue that Wine Folly says affects up to 10% of all bottles. Cork taint is a funky term to describe a common wine contaminant caused by spoiled "aroma compounds," and although it's generally safe to drink, it mutes the complexities and nuances of a wine's flavor profile. Plus, it stinks, per Wine Enthusiast.

Cork taint is caused by a contaminant found in tree bark called TCA, which synthesizes when fungi and bacteria interact with certain fungicides and pesticides. Unfortunately, for wine drinkers, many wine corks are made with tree bark, per Wine Enthusiast. Thankfully, there's one foolproof way to avoid drinking wine with a tainted cork — drink boxed wine instead.


Plastic won't spoil your wine

Boxed wine isn't just reserved for party-going college students who like to slap the bag. Despite its cheap reputation, boxed wine can be as good or bad as any old bottle of wine. The only difference is you don't run the risk of drinking cork-tainted wine when you opt for the box.


Unfortunate for mother nature, but a stroke of luck for wine drinkers, Dieline says that plastic doesn't really expire — at least for not for hundreds of years. Because it takes generations to degrade, plastic makes for great wine storage. The best part of boxed wine is that it isn't topped with a potentially contaminated cork. Instead, most boxed wines are poured from a plastic spout connected to the plastic bag making it a well-preserved, easy-to-pour, and guaranteed-fresh wine storage method.

Next time you can't afford to run the risk of drinking cork-tainted wine, opt for boxed wine to enjoy all of its natural complexities and inspiring aromas.

