The New Trader Joe's Seasoning That's Blowing Hilary Duff's Mind

Millennials are likely familiar with the British girl group, The Spice Girls, who are behind the timelessly catchy bop "Wannabe." The pop ensemble formed in 1994 consists of Emma Bunton, Geri Halliwell, Mel B, Mel C, and Victoria Beckham, a.k.a. Baby Spice, Ginger Spice, Scary Spice, Sporty Spice, and Posh Spice, respectively (via BBC). However, if you ask us, there's another entity out there worthy of at least an honorary spot in the band: Trader Joe's, and before you exit this writing, just hear us out.


Like the Spice Girls, Trader Joe's is a huge hit with the millennial crowd, 63% of whom have a "positive opinion" of the brand, according to a 2022 YouGov poll. And while the nautical-themed grocer isn't exactly at the forefront of the music industry, it does not a thing or two about spices and seasonings. We're not just talking about your typical spices such as cinnamon, garlic, and onion powder, either – though it definitely won't hurt to buy those from your local TJ's store. No, in addition to all of the traditional spice rack staples, Trader Joe's also sells several one-of-a-kind seasoning blends, like its infamous Everything But The Bagel Seasoning which, similar to The Spice Girls, has earned a large cult following.


TJ's is no one-hit wonder when it comes to spices, either. This week, Instagram user @traderjoeslist spotted not one, but two unique new seasonings at their local store that have even caught the attention of a popular millennial-adored celeb.

Hilary Duff isn't the only one intrigued by TJ's newest seasoning blends

Hilary Duff achieved celebrity status at a young age (via IMDb), but despite her fame, the 35-year-old actor is just like her fellow millennials in a number of ways. Not only is the "Lizzie McGuire" star a Spice Girls fan (via YouTube), but, according to TODAY, she's also an avid Trader Joe's shopper. Therefore, we're not totally surprised that she was spotted in the comments section of TJ's-obsessed Instagrammer @traderjoeslist's most recent share.


The post was regarding two new spices available at the grocery chain: Pizza and Ketchup-flavored Sprinkle seasoning blends, which are each priced at $2.99. "The ketchup flavor is saltier than I expected but once it's in your mouth the individual spices blend together in your mouth and you can taste the ketchup," the Instagrammer wrote, adding that "the pizza seasoning tasted like a garlicky, oregano seasoning with tomato."

The January 10 upload has been inundated with comments, including Duff's, who simply used the exploding head emoji to relay that her mind was blown by the new TJ's finds. "My mind is racing with different ways I can use that pizza seasoning," Instagram user @debzdacelb wrote. "I liked the ketchup seasoning on my eggs," another shared. Sadly, a number of commenters said that the flavorful products haven't yet made it to their local Trader Joe's stores, but hopefully it won't be long until everybody can spice up their lives with the Hilary Duff-approved seasoning blends.


