The Captivating Story Of The Bicycle Chef

Packing enough food and tools needed to make a meal while bicycling can be tricky. There isn't a lot of room to keep your ingredients and cooking supplies, so you must be selective about what you bring. One cyclist, a writer for Cycle Touring, uses a jet boil stove and a frying pan to cook their meals, and packs foods that will offer the greatest amount of nourishment while being active. 

However, there's one bicyclist and chef based in Copenhagen, Denmark who, while not traveling on extended trips, has taken the art of cooking on a bicycle to a whole new level with his unique food tours of the city. The man is known as the Cykelkokken — aka "bicycle chef" — or by his given name, Morten Kryger Wulff (via Cycling Tips). Wulff not only offers cycling food tours of Copenhagen, he also cooks a five-course meal for participants along the way, all from supplies he has packed on his bicycle (via DW). Talk about innovative!

An open kitchen on two wheels

Bicycle chef Morten Kryger Wulff has to be creative when it comes to how he packs and uses his materials; for example, he told 60 Second Docs that he has a knife holder that can also be used as a bowl and a lamp. Cyckelkken has become quite the business for Wulff, who hopes his efforts encourage both a love of food and a minimalistic way of life. "I am trying to demonstrate that you can work with less, you can live with less ... I hope that guests on my tour are inspired to live more simple," Wulff says (via 60 Second Docs). He is also very passionate about what he does, stating, "Every restaurant experience with me is a special kind of restaurant experience. I love these adventures."

Wulff has an Instagram account where he chronicles his travels, featuring drool-inducing photos of dishes, such as locally-caught cod that's fried and served over a creamy sea soup (via Instagram). It's hard to believe these dynamic dishes were made on a bicycle. "We like to be amongst everything and come with the positivity that a bicycle brings ... and a happy guy on top doing some cooking? I mean what's not to like?" Wulff says (via Cycling Tips).