The Most Precise Word For That Too-Full Feeling After A Great Meal

It's a dream come true for your mouth ... and maybe a waking nightmare for your belly. "Mmm, that was one of the best meals I've ever eaten," you think to yourself. All of your favorite things on one plate. Seriously, if you ever found yourself on death row requesting your final meal, this would be exactly what you'd choose. The only problem is that you're so full, you can't move.


Intellectually, you understand exactly what you've inflicted upon your body. Joanne V. Lichten, registered dietitian and author, explained to Livestrong that there's about a 20-minute interval between the time you take your first bites of food and the moment your stomach tells your brain that it's had enough. Unfortunately, you inhaled a second plateful long before that happened. The University of Texas MD Anderson Center paints a not-so-pretty picture of what happens when you eat too much. Apparently, your stomach becomes stretched beyond regular capacity thanks to the mountain of food you just devoured. As a result, it's elbowing your other organs and they don't like it. Hence, your incredible level of discomfort.


Yes, the word "full" simply doesn't describe the way you feel at this very moment. In fact, you can't come up with a word in the English language that accurately depicts it. 

You are feeling jelak

You hunt for synonyms for "eat to excess" on your phone, but the results (hoover, devour, etc.) don't quite hit the mark. Even phrases like "eat like a horse" fall short. It turns out that the word you're searching for doesn't exist in your native tongue. Thankfully, Malay boasts a term that more closely matches your uncomfortable state.


SAYS reveals that the word "jelak" refers to "when you have had enough to eat of a particular food that is too rich" and that if you had anymore you might actually vomit. Yes. Throw up. That perfectly describes how you're feeling right now, doesn't it? According to the online dictionary, this adjective can mean both "fully satisfied with food" and "nauseated." The Michelin Guide adds that while the word originally meant "to be bored," it is now often used to describe a feeling of being "sick of eating," particularly foods that are overly rich. Finally, you have a name for your condition.

Now, if only it would go away. Real Simple warns not to lie down. Gastroenterologist Matthew Bechtold says that gravity is keeping your meal in your stomach. If you lie down after a Thanksgiving-sized meal, however, food may work its way into your throat, giving you acid reflux. In fact, it's best if you don't lie down for the next couple of hours. This awful feeling will pass. The trick will be to remember how "jelak" feels the next time you're tempted to eat too much.


