Jamie Oliver's Genius Trick For Quickly Rescuing Rogue Egg Shell Pieces

The most "perfect food" and the "most nutritious food," according to Healthline, are titles bestowed upon the incredible, edible egg. Eggs are a versatile food source used in thousands of recipes. On their own, eggs are a popular high-protein breakfast option enjoyed scrambled, poached, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, over easy, and fried. They can be folded with veggies and meat in omelets and frittatas and are the glue that holds everything together when preparing a quiche. Our brunch favorites, French toast, pancakes, and waffles, wouldn't be the same without an egg or two in the batter. Eggs are even a critical part of breading fried food.


When baking, chef Sara Moulton says eggs provide "structure, leavening, richness, color, and flavor to baked products." This also applies when adding eggs to sauces, casseroles, and pies.

Cracking an egg is likely one of the first culinary techniques you learned. Whether you break it on the side of the bowl or use the countertop, occasionally even experienced chefs find a rogue shell in the bowl. Not to worry: Chef Jamie Oliver has a genius trick for rescuing pesky shell fragments.

Use the shell to scoop out other shell fragments

Many recipes begin with cracking an egg or two. Though it's a simple cooking act, there are plenty of mistakes one can make when cracking eggs, including leaving pieces of eggshell in the bowl and a stream of raw egg on the countertop.


According to Masterclass, the best way to crack an egg is against a flat surface like a countertop or cutting board — not the side of a bowl, as so many of us do. Grasping the egg between your thumb and forefinger, one swift, firm hit to a flat surface will create a hole big enough to get your two thumbs inside to open the egg. When using the side of the bowl, an insufficient thin crack is made, requiring you to create a larger opening to remove the egg white and yolk. Prying the egg apart with your thumbs creates additional tiny cracks, increasing the chances of rogue eggshells ending up in the bowl (per Better Homes and Gardens).

Instead of furiously trying to fish out the shells with a finger or utensil, repelling the rogue eggshell in the process, try this hack to remove eggshells from Jamie Oliver's YouTube channel. Oliver suggests using a piece of the eggshell to attract the tiny fragments by grabbing one of the broken halves and scooping up or dragging the shards up the side of the bowl. Like magic, the small pieces are attracted to the broken shell, and the dish is rescued.


