The Reason You Should Never Eat Oranges At Night

We get it, sometimes you just want a little snack before bed to tide you over until breakfast the next morning. Sometimes you might even get up to prepare a midnight snack recipe because you just can't resist the thought of mug cakes or taquitos. We've all been there.


However, unlike a cup of rooibos tea or warm milk, not all foods and drinks are ideal choices for bedtime snacks. Caffeine is an obvious no-go because it will keep you jittery and awake, as will foods or drinks with a lot of sugar. You should also avoid anything that is high in fat, according to Accent Sleep Solutions, because your body takes longer to digest fats, therefore disrupting your sleep.

The problem is that not all foods have a clear "yes" or "no" when it comes to snacking before bed. For instance, you might think an orange is a good evening snack — it's fruit, after all — but experts tell a different story.

Eating oranges at bedtime can lead to restless sleep

Although they can be tasty, there are a few reasons why you should reconsider eating oranges, particularly before bed. Yes, they're relatively low in sugar compared to other fruits -– only about 12 grams of sugar per orange, versus 23 grams per mango, according to VeryWell Fit –- but the sugar isn't the issue here.


Rather, the main reason to avoid eating oranges before bed is their acidity. Per Healthy Eating, oranges have a pH between 3.3 and 4.2, and any pH below 4 is considered "potentially erosive." See where we're going with this?

We'll break it down even further. Whether or not you already suffer from acid reflux or indigestion, eating an orange before bed can trigger these uncomfortable conditions (via Headspace). Needless to say, you're not going to have an easy time falling or staying asleep if you have orange juice gnawing away at your stomach and esophagus. You'd be better off eating a banana, which can actually help stop acid reflux in its tracks.

