Why You Should Stop Overlooking Grocery Store Scales

Let's face it, grocery shopping can be a hassle. First, you have to assemble a perfect grocery list that covers all of your necessities — boring. Then you have to shlep your way across town to get to the supermarket. If you don't have access to a car, taking a bus or train to the grocery store can be a real hassle — especially on the way back. Then you have to navigate a busy supermarket by playing Tetris with your shopping cart to ensure it's not crashing into other shoppers or displays. Long story short, grocery shopping is stressful.


When it comes to buying produce, the fastest method is to simply grab a handful, toss it in a sack, and keep moving. After all, who really has time to weigh it out on those produce scales? However, as trivial as they may seem, supermarket produce scales can make your life easier in the long run while simultaneously reducing global food waste.

Reduce food waste by weighing your produce at the grocery store

According to the Food Research and Action Center, over 33.8 million Americans battled food insecurity in 2021 alone. With inflation impacting nationwide industries, including the food and grocery market, food in America is becoming even more inaccessible, yet Feeding America reports that 108 billion pounds of food go to waste annually. This startling gap between hunger and food waste can be combatted by small, individual changes that start at the produce scale.


Next time you make a trip to the supermarket, map out a recipe in advance and gather only as much produce as it calls for. If you get too much, you might end up wasting important resources and leaving yourself with a bunch of rotten produce that's not fun to clean up. The scale will give you precise measurements so you'll never waste a crumb. Utilizing the scale will also save you money — just one more bonus.

Next time you're grocery shopping, try getting comfortable with the produce scales for a waste-free, guilt-free shopping experience.

