The Root Beer Hack You Should Use At Chick-Fil-A

Different chain restaurants have been known to have "secret menus" for their hardcore fans who are smart enough to hack them. While some secret menus are just tricks and tips on how to order different things from the chains combining foods you know they have, other times, places like Starbucks and In-N-Out actually have secret menu items for those who follow the chains avidly. One chain that comes to mind when we think of secret menus is Chick-fil-A but, according to the Chick-fil-A website, they do not have a so-called "secret menu," it's just one of the many false things you believe about Chick-fil-A.


However, that doesn't mean that you can't order different concoctions with ingredients that do exist in the stores. The website even says so itself — anything from a double cookie milkshake to buffalo chicken mac and cheese. As long as you ask the workers nicely, they are able to prepare all kinds of different options. However, one menu item that isn't mentioned on their website but should indeed be known by all root beer lovers is a delicious dessert item everyone loves that you too can have from your local Chick-fil-A.

The perfect beverage and dessert

When you are craving both soda and ice cream, and can't seem to choose between one or the other there may be a large part of you that's craving a soda float. You know, those delicious ice cream soda beverage desserts that you can find at your local diner. But say you're at Chick-fil-A rather than a diner, what are you to do? Order both ice cream and soda? Absolutely not, because a "hidden menu item" at Chick-fil-A that you can get anywhere that has both root beer and soft serve is easily accessible. Yes, you heard that right, you can get a root beer float at Chick-fil-A.


According to HackTheMenu, just order a root beer and ask them to add a bit of soft serve vanilla ice cream to the beverage and there you have it, your very own Chick-fil-A root beer float. The float itself creates a whole new drinking experience when the ice cream and root beer mix, creating a foam at the top and a fuzzy yet smooth drink throughout. It's a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while also having some refreshing soda if you're in need of a drink.

