Why You Should Never Buy Pre-Made Sandwiches

Whoever thought of slapping a protein in between two pieces of bread was brilliant. Sure, the sandwich may seem like a logical next step once bread was invented, but this masterful move likely would have eluded many. And, life without sandwiches would make for a woeful existence. Seriously, no amazing grilled cheese, pastrami on rye, or foot-long subs. And, for those who consider a burger a sandwich, you could kiss them goodbye as well. 


The truth is Americans love their sandwiches. A survey by Contract Testing examined the nation's sandwich-eating habits and learned that 35% of participants would rather have a sandwich in their packed lunch than leftovers (33%), making this the number one choice. And QSR revealed that a 2016 poll of over 95,000 people by Jersey Mike's Trend Tracker showed that 70% of people chow down on a sandwich a minimum of twice per week. Clearly, the humble sandwich plays a significant role in the culinary lives of Americans. 

And, if you have ever found yourself cramped for time, you have likely grabbed a ready-made sandwich at your local supermarket. While it's too late to undo what has already been done, you will want to rethink making that purchase a habit. 


The pre-made sandwich isn't the healthiest option

If you've ever bought a pre-made sandwich from a supermarket, raise your hand. It's safe to say that a lot of American arms just shot up into the air. According to some, that purchase wasn't financially wise. Joonas Jokiniemi, chef and grilling expert, once told Eat This, Not That that they can be as expensive as a restaurant meal, but not have the benefits of being fresh or served in a pleasant environment. 


That's not all. Jeannette Bessinger and Tracee Yablon-Brenner, the authors of "Simple Food for Busy Families," explained to Everyday Health that the pre-made sandwich is best avoided as they are usually built on white bread and are less fresh than their made-to-order counterparts. Since these sandwiches are designed to sit around for a while, they also lack ingredients that can make the bread soggy: namely veggies. Clearly, your homemade version on whole grain bread, packed with healthy greens, and much lighter on the mayo is a more health-conscious option. 

Next time you find yourself in a hurry, skip that cellophaned sandwich. Opt, instead, for a healthy variety made in your own kitchen like this grilled vegetable sandwich recipe. Your wallet and your waistline will thank you. 


