A Waffle House Chair Throw Has Twitter Shaking

Restaurant work isn't easy, especially when dealing with hateful customers. Per 9 News, a survey conducted by the Shop, Distributive, and Allied Employees Association revealed that 87% of restaurant employees have suffered customer abuse — an overwhelming and shocking figure. Most of the time, the abuse comes in the form of insults and passive-aggressive comments, but there have also been times when consumers have threatened, or even gone through with, violent acts. Also revealed during the survey, one worker was subjected to an alarming threat due to something quite minute. "A customer threatened to kill my family and myself if I didn't remake his cheeseburger because the first one was apparently too cold," they said.

One such instance proved that issues like these are nowhere near a thing of the past. A Waffle House worker was met with physical abuse from an unruly customer (via Twitter). Understandably, the internet had a lot to say after seeing the footage.

An employee blocks an attack mid-air

A video has been circulating Twitter after a customer hurled a chair across the counter and directly at a Waffle House employee. The most impressive part is that the unidentified worker caught the chair mid-air and steered it away from herself before it caused significant damage. Folks on the internet were awestruck at the employee's quick reaction. One tweet read, "She needs to be the lead in the next action film. Waffle House job training is off the chain," while another person commented, "She caught a chair flying toward her head with one hand, spinned that s*** on her finger like a Harlem Globetrotter, and deflected it away all in one motion."

Her quick reaction might have something to say about the working conditions at the Southern-based waffle eatery. There have been unprovoked stabbings in the parking lot, late-night arguments ending in shootings, and physical fights between employees and customers. Although it's not confirmed, this could have something to do with the restaurant's 24-hour policy, as it can draw in inebriated patrons who may be heading home from the bar.