A McDonald's Drive-Thru Dog Is Melting TikTok's Heart

While social media sites like TikTok can sometimes show us the worst sides of humanity — like a "racist Karen" at Jack in the Box – they can also show us the side of humanity that is pretty darn wholesome.


For instance, TikTok constantly brings us videos of people "paying it forward" in the drive-thru, essentially paying for the order of whoever's behind them. Side note: employees actually wish you'd stop doing this, as it makes everything way more complicated than it needs to be. Other videos warm our hearts with acts of kindness toward fast food employees, like when one TikTok user tipped $40 on a $1 order.

Just recently, another TikToker shared a video of brightening a McDonald's employee's day, simply by bringing her dog along with her through the drive-thru. Although this seems like a very small thing to do, it could very well change someone's entire day for the better. So what exactly is the story behind this particular TikTok?


Drive-thru employees love seeing people's dogs

TikTok user Maceon McCracken recently reminded us all of the importance of being kind to everyone, as "you never know what people are going through or what kind of day they're having." According to the post, the TikToker's dog Wynonna loves going through the McDonald's drive-thru, and one employee brings dog treats to work just in case they come by.


On this particular day, however, the employee broke down into tears upon seeing the dog, and confessed that they were having a "really rough day." After adding that seeing Wynonna made them feel happier, McCracken said that they had moved out of town, but came by "just to see you."

In the comments, other TikTokers thanked Wynonna and McCracken for being kind. One person wrote, "McDonald's was such a rough job — my regulars picked me up and brushed me off on my worst days. Love 'em." Another suggested starting a Go Fund Me, which has raised more than $7000 as a gift for Wynonna's favorite McDonald's worker. Someone else commented, "I'm not crying, you're crying," and they aren't wrong. We are indeed crying.


