You Can Now Text Walmart To Start Shopping

Gone are the days where you're required to browse grocery store isles against your will — with options for home delivery and curbside pickup, you can pay someone to do the heavy lifting for you using only your phone. Though these concepts began long before 2020, you can thank the COVID-19 pandemic for their boost in popularity and availability. As people were made to social distance within their homes, the download of grocery delivery services increased by 41% (per Bankrate). And even with the lockdown in the rear-view mirror, 15.8% of consumers use home grocery delivery weekly, while 15.6% use curbside pickup at least once a week, according to PYMNTS.


According to Bringg, grocery store pickup includes ordering your products through an app or online, selecting a desired pick-up time, parking in a designated area, and following any further instructions to ensure employees know where you're waiting. If you've used this method, you know it's quite simple; however; Progressive Grocer Walmart just made it even simpler with a new text-to-shop feature.

Add items to your cart from anywhere

If you've ever wished for a personal assistant, your dreams have come true — at least when it comes to Walmart shopping. Per Progressive Grocer, iPhone and Android users can now connect their phones to their Walmart account, so while you're going about your day and remember you need to pick up eggs, you can send a simple text and the items will be immediately added to your grocery cart. The text message line can also be used to swap items, review and add items, reorder frequented items, and checkout.


According to Walmart, you can choose through the app or text message service how you'd prefer to receive your items, whether that be by curbside pickup or at-home delivery. For example, if you message "schedule pickup," you'll receive a text with the next available days and times for you to choose from. After your order is placed, you'll be sent a follow-up text with confirmation and all relevant details. You can more about the new feature on the Walmart text to shop website.

