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The Professional-Grade Bags You Need To Store Your Fanciest Cheeses

Proper storage is key to enjoying food, any food. Take a whole chicken, a ripe fruit, or any leftover as an example. Learning to store our food helps us with prepping meals, reducing food waste, and in a way, saving money. Not having our food get spoiled will save us trips to the grocery store, especially if it's something we eat or use every day.


If you are the type of person who likes to host dinners and are a charcuterie board enthusiast, you are probably exposed to many cold types of meat and cheese leftovers. Cheese, delicious and fancy, has some storage keys in order to be preserved. We don't want to find our beloved gouda with mold or our creamy brie without its moisture.

Experts recommend storing cheese in the coldest part of your fridge and avoiding wrapping cheese in plastic in any situation. This alters the flavors and doesn't allow the cheese to breathe. You may see cheese sold in plastic wraps in stores but that's just for short-term storage (via Cheese Grotto). Wax paper, parchment paper, or kitchen foil is a good option, according to The Cheese Lover, or bags made from similar materials. Make sure that you craft and fold the paper correctly in order to make a type of bag so the cheese is completely covered. "If only those bags exist," you might think. Oh, they do, and they need to be on your Amazon Wish List ASAP!


Formaticum cheese bags keep your cheese fresh

Let's recapitulate: As Wisconsin Cheese indicates, there are three C's for cheese storage, and these are clean, cold, and covered. This last one is very important because cheese loses its flavor and moisture when it's too exposed to air. 


To remedy this problem, Mashed suggests using Formaticum cheese bags, a type of reusable bag made of the same material as the micro-perforated wax paper that cheese experts use in shops. Made in France, these bags are types of pockets where you can put your whole cheese or slices of them; they can also be used to store sandwiches, sausages, snacks, veggies, bread, snacks, and avocado (via Formaticum). For cheese, it's recommended to reuse a bag for the same type of cheese (per Formaticum) and keep them in the fridge. Aside from being easy to use, they keep the freshness and flavor for a longer time, even for your next charcuterie board. 

With these bags, you are all set for your cheese storage needs, but if looking for extra care, The Guardian recommends to double wrapping your cheese, which means, putting your bag in a plastic container in the fridge.


The company sells 15 bags for $9, but these are also found on Amazon.

