The Charcuterie Chalet That's Making TikTok Rethink The Gingerbread House

If the thought of gingerbread houses has you conjuring up humble structures made from graham crackers and icing, you might be surprised by what a TikTok search on the topic might turn up. Earlier this year, for example, singer Jason Derulo posted a video of a taller-than-he-is gingerbread creation, while another gingerbread house-themed TikTok video from user @judys_gingerbread features a 3-foot-wide replica of a real home complete with snow-covered shingles. Like the gingerbread houses of yore, these confectionary creations rely heavily on sweets for their stability.


According to PBS, the practice of making ornamental houses from gingerbread goes all the way back to 16th-century Germany. A more recent festive creation, however, appears to rely on building materials that are a bit meatier. The Food Network has posted a TikTok video of a somewhat edible holiday house with ingredients that would sooner be found on a charcuterie board than a cookie tray.

Let's deconstruct the charcuterie chalet, shall we?

More than just a TikTok trend, charcuterie chalets are all the rage this year, at least according to Better Homes & Gardens, anyway. To create one of these in-vogue structures, the site suggests using crackers or pretzels – or even a gingerbread kit (with the caveat of warning anyone who might take a bit of what lies beneath). The charcuterie chalet from Food Network's TikTok, however, looks like it actually has a plastic base that is covered with a savory spread. Adding to that base, the builder uses everything from cheese slices for roof tiles, wasabi peas and pretzel twists for trim, and cured meat slices for siding. (And, is that a mozzarella snowman? Swoon!)


In response to the creation, viewers weighed in with some thoughts and feels. One contemplative follower responded, "I'm not saying it's right. But I'm not saying it's wrong," while another viewer seemed to feel a little more at ease once they realized what was going on, "I was traumatized until I realized that wasn't gingerbread." Several viewers, on the other hand, were quick to point out that charcuterie chalets have been created by previous creators on the platform, and still others objected to the unsound positioning of the cheese roof tiles.

While this may not be the first or last we've seen of charcuterie chalets, we might just have our fingers crossed for a new creation this time next year, like say, appetizer apartments or canape condominiums.


