A Buddy The Elf Spaghetti Meal Is Now Available Via HelloFresh

What can be more fun than eating like an elf? Forget the boring fruits and veggies. In case you forgot the "Elf" movie diet, candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup are the four food groups of elves, according to Buddy (played by Will Ferrell) from the classic 2003 Christmas film.


Many people remember the spaghetti breakfast scene vividly where Buddy scarfs down a giant plate of spaghetti, covered in candy, marshmallows, and other sugar-loaded toppings. Unless you're diabetic, you probably were at least mildly curious about what such a concoction would taste like. Thanks to the meal delivery kit company HelloFresh, you can slake that curiosity without having to buy all the ingredients separately.

On December 5, HelloFresh will begin selling the famous, very sugary spaghetti dish in a meal kit so you can eat like an elf. The two-serving kit, appropriately called Buddy the Elf Spaghetti, is available for a very limited time for $14.99.  "Our goal is always to create recipes that are both tasty and fun to prepare," said Michelle Doll Olson, HelloFresh's culinary development manager, "and we're sure this over-the-top recipe will satisfy any elf's sweet tooth while bringing the holiday spirit to your household!" (via Fox9).


What's included in the meal kit

According to the HelloFresh Buddy the Elf Spaghetti website, the meal kit includes all the same main ingredients you'd expect from Buddy's spaghetti breakfast. Spaghetti, obviously (courtesy of Colavita), maple syrup, candy, marshmallows, chocolate cereal, chocolate syrup, and frosted pastries — each of which is individually packaged in a green decorative box. Elite Daily claims the kit also comes with a recipe card.


Although these kits will be available for all HelloFresh subscribers, you won't be able to add one to your next shipment, and no, a HelloFresh subscription is not required for purchase. You can order directly from the HelloFresh website after 12:25 p.m. EST on Monday, December 5, while supplies last.

The first batch of Buddy the Elf Spaghetti meal kit will be available only through December 9 (via Elite Daily). Each kit ships for free, with a limit of two kits per transaction. Candy corn and candy canes are not included in the ingredients, but hey, there's no reason you can't add them for an extra crunch.

